Venezuela - Fichas informativas

June 2021

  • During the first semester of 2021, the Shelter, Energy and NFI Cluster reached 303,397 beneficiaries through partner organisations. Activities covered 14 states and Capital District.  217 street solar lamps, 18 electric systems and 87 Refugee Housing Units have been installed to support institutions and communities, and 4,231 solar lamps, 888 habitat kits, 1180 family kits and 123 individual kits have been delivered to support the most vulnerable population.
  • $45.0 M (1%) necesidad (financiado)
  • 1.4 M / 1.4 M / 0.3 M people in need / targeted / reached

May 2021

  • By the end of May 2021, 267,886 individuals (55% female and 45% male) benefited from better access to safe shelter, energy and non-food items (NFIs) in 12 states and Capital District.  Cluster partners activities were focused on the community level benefiting 32 health centers and 22 community centers, and also impacted 22 temporary shelters (collective centers).  Activities to improve access to energy included the installation of 110 street solar lamps in public places and 15 systems to enhance access to electricity,
  • 24 colaboradores
  • $45.0 M (0%) necesidad (financiado)
  • 1.4 M / 1.4 M / 0.3 M people in need / targeted / reached

April 2021

  • By the end of April 2021, 236,606 individuals (55% female and 45% male) benefited from better access to safe shelter, energy and non food items (NFIs) in 13 states and Capital District.  Cluster partners activities were focused on access to energy including the installation of 63 street solar lamps in public places and 14 systems to enhance access to electricity, improvement of shelter conditions considering the installation of 84 refugee housing units, and distribution of basic
  • 24 colaboradores
  • $45.0 M (0%) necesidad (financiado)
  • 1.4 M / 1.4 M / 0.2 M people in need / targeted / reached

March 2021

  • During the first quarter of 2021, the Shelter, Energy and NFI Cluster reached 181,219 beneficiaries through partner organisations. Activities covered eleven states and Distrito Capital:  Cluster activities were focused on the community level and included the installation of 72 Refugee Housing Units (RHUs) to improve community centers and institutions benefiting 69,454 individuals, and improved access to energy benefiting 69,334 individuals.
  • 24 colaboradores
  • $45.0 M (0%) necesidad (financiado)
  • 1.4 M / 1.4 M / 0.2 M people in need / targeted / reached

February 2021

  • Through the end of February a total of 151,960 individuals (55% female and 45% male) benefited from better access to safe shelter, energy and / or basic equipment in ten states and Distrito Capital. Partner efforts were mostly channelled towards interventions at the community level and included the installation of 23 Refugee Housing Units (RHUs) in community centres in Apure (3), Falcón (6), Sucre (9) and Táchira (5) states.
  • 24 colaboradores
  • $45.0 M (0%) necesidad (financiado)
  • 1.4 M / 1.4 M / 0.2 M people in need / targeted / reached

January 2021

  • Through January 2021 a total of 87,091 individuals (59% female and 41% male) benefited from better access to safe shelter, energy and / or basic equipment in nine states and Distrito Capital. Partner efforts were channelled towards interventions at the community level, including the installation of 17 Refugee Housing Units (RHUs) in community centres in Falcón, Sucre, and Táchira states.
  • 24 colaboradores
  • $45.0 M (0%) necesidad (financiado)
  • 1.4 M / 1.4 M / 87 091 people in need / targeted / reached

December 2020

  • During 2020, the Cluster, through partners organisations, benefited a total of 515,395 people (33% children, 39% adult females, and 28% adult males) who received assistance to improve their shelter conditions, access to energy/electricity, and/or received assistance through NFI distributions.
  • 24 colaboradores
  • $42.5 M (4%) necesidad (financiado)
  • 1.4 M / 1.1 M / 0.5 M people in need / targeted / reached

November 2020

  • The cluster, through partner organisations, benefited 22,894 people (55% female and 45% male) in November who received assistance to improve their shelter conditions, access to energy/electricity, and/or received assistance through NFI distributions. Part of the assistance provided was channelled towards individuals and families affected by severe flooding.
  • 24 colaboradores
  • $42.5 M (4%) necesidad (financiado)
  • 1.4 M / 1.1 M / 0.4 M people in need / targeted / reached

October 2020

  • The cluster, through partner organisations, benefited 143,603 people in October 2020 who received assistance to improve their shelter conditions, access to energy/electricity, and/or received assistance through NFI distributions. Given the heavy rains registered in October, which have compromised the access to safe shelter for thousands of families, part of the assistance provided was channelled towards those states affected by severe flooding.
  • 24 colaboradores
  • $42.5 M (4%) necesidad (financiado)
  • 1.4 M / 1.1 M / 0.4 M people in need / targeted / reached

September 2020

  • The Government of Venezuela (GoV) extended the State of Alarm through 13 October 2020, which also included nationwide quarantine measures and limited mobility among states and municipalities, with over 75,100 confirmed cases of COVID-19 in Venezuela as of 30 September 2020.
  • 24 colaboradores
  • $42.5 M (1%) necesidad (financiado)
  • 1.4 M / 1.1 M / 0.3 M people in need / targeted / reached

August 2020

  • Through August 2020, a total of 17,896 individuals (56% female and 44% male) benefited from better access to safe shelter, energy or basic NFIs in seven states, including Zulia (10,539), Bolívar (3,276), Apure (1,993) and Amazonas (1,475). Most of the activities were focused on the COVID-19 pandemic response, whilst a small percentage of the response covered prioritised communities and individuals with specific needs.
  • 24 colaboradores
  • $42.5 M (1%) necesidad (financiado)
  • 1.4 M / 1.1 M / 0.2 M people in need / targeted / reached

July 2020

  • With over 74,000 spontaneous returnees that have entered until the end of July 2020, according to Government data, with the largest number entering through the Colombian-Venezuelan border, returnees still need to remain quarantined in the Government-led Puntos de Atención Social Integral (PASI). The number of PASIs has considerable grown to attend the additional influx of returnee population, reaching about 300 spaces nationwide.
  • 24 colaboradores
  • $42.5 M (1%) necesidad (financiado)
  • 1.4 M / 1.1 M / 0.2 M people in need / targeted / reached

June 2020

  • During the second quarter of 2020, the Shelter Cluster, through member organisations, reached a total of 110,088 beneficiaries.
  • 22 colaboradores
  • $36.0 M (0%) necesidad (financiado)
  • 1.4 M / 1.1 M / 0.1 M people in need / targeted / reached

May 2020

  • During May 2020, the Shelter Cluster, through member organisations reached a total of 21,355 beneficiaries and covered seven states and Distrito Capital: Falcón (6458), Zulia (5640), Apure (4433), Táchira (2947), La Guaira (936), Bolívar (558), Miranda (214) and Distrito Capital (169).
  • 22 colaboradores
  • $36.0 M (0%) necesidad (financiado)
  • 1.4 M / 1.1 M / 84 865 people in need / targeted / reached

April 2020

  • In April 2020, the Shelter, Energy and NFI Cluster reached, through partner organisations, 15,995 beneficiaries with a coverage of three states: Apure (8,093), Táchira (7,615), and Zulia (287). Since the beginning of the year, a total of 53,589 people benefitted with a coverage of six states and Distrito Capital.
  • 22 colaboradores
  • $36.0 M (0%) necesidad (financiado)
  • 1.4 M / 1.1 M / 53 589 people in need / targeted / reached

March 2020

  • The important dynamics of human mobility in country in search of better living conditions have been constantly increasing since last year, with an increased pressure to access the limited basic services (including energy and electricity) and secure livelihoods. In response to the COVID-19 emergency, which is having a global impact in most countries worldwide, Venezuela activated the social quarantine from 16 March 2020 onwards.
  • 22 colaboradores
  • $36.0 M (0%) necesidad (financiado)
  • 1.4 M / 1.1 M / 37 594 people in need / targeted / reached

February 2020

  • During January and February 2020, the Shelter Cluster partners reached a total of 14,578 individuals with a coverage of five states (Táchira, Apure, Zulia, Distrito Capital and Miranda). At the national level, the Shelter Cluster monitors achievements closely and provides updates on remaining gaps and constraints reported by United Nations (UN) agencies, international and national organisations, and other relevant stakeholders.
  • 20 colaboradores
  • $36.0 M (0%) necesidad (financiado)

January 2020

Through January 2020, the Cluster has been working on finalising the calculation of the sectoral People in Need (PiN) based on the available data disaggregated by admin level 1 (estado). The cluster has estimated that 1 million people will be in need of shelter, energy and/or NFI assistance for 2020. The cluster has also been working on the narrative for the Humanitarian Needs Overview (HNO) and the Humanitarian Response Plan (HRP), together with the sectoral logical framework. The logframe has been already discussed and shared with the partners.

  • 16 colaboradores

December 2019

·     From July to December 2019 the Cluster has conducted field missions to Zulia, Bolívar, Táchira, Amazonas, Apure, Carabobo, and Sucre to identify needs and support the 2020 HNO data collection with Key Informant Interviews (KIIs).

  • 16 colaboradores
  • 3.5 M / 87 670 gente en necesidad / destinada