Malawi Floods 2015

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Heavy rains over the last few weeks have led to severe flooding across Malawi. As of January 18th, an estimated 22,000 households (121,000 people) were considered displaced and 54 people killed by the flooding which have affected 15 districts. However, this number is expected to rise as more information is received and analysed. The Southern Districts of Nsanje, Chikwawa and Phalombe are considered the most affected. The floods have also caused extensive damage to crops, livestock and infrastructure. Some areas are inaccessible, impeding the conduct of assessments.

Malawi has been receiving significant rains since December 2014, and this trend is expected to continue as the country is forecast to receive normal to above-normal rainfall between January and March 2015.

In response, the President of the Republic of Malawi declared a State of Disaster in the 15 affected districts (out of a total of 28 districts) on 13 January 2015. With the numbers of people affected and displaced continuing to rise, the President has appealed to the international community for support, specifically in the provision of tents, food and non-food items; and in the conducting of search and rescue operations.

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