How to Support Survivors of GBV When a GBV Actor is Not Available in Your Area (IASC, 2015)

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Size887.69 KB
Create DateAugust 10, 2018
Last UpdatedAugust 10, 2018

Publisher: Global Protection Cluster / IASC
Year: 2015

The “Pocket Guide” resource package V2.0 is a joint GBV Guidelines and GBV AoR resource designed to provide all humanitarian practitioners with concrete information on how to support a survivor of gender-based violence who disclosed to you in a context where there is no gender-based violence actor (including a referral pathway or GBV focal point) available in your area.

The resource package uses global standards on providing basic support and information to survivors of GBV without doing further harm. We encourage adaptation of this resource to your local context with the support of a GBV specialist.

The package includes three resources

Resource #1 - Background note and FAQs: An overview of the Pocket Guide resource package, its role as a companion resource to the IASC GBV Guidelines and key messages/talking points that can be used for advocacy and strategic communications.
Resource #2 - User Guide: Contains information and tools for briefing your team on using the Pocket Guide
Resource #3 - “Pocket Guide”: A field-friendly resource for frontline practitioners in all humanitarian sectors. Includes a decision tree, do’s/don’ts, sample scripts of what to say to a survivor and more!

How to Support Survivors of GBV When a GBV Actor is Not Available in Your Area - Pocket Guide (IASC, 2015) - PDF Download 
How to Support Survivors of GBV When a GBV Actor is Not Available in Your Area - Background Note (IASC, 2015) - PDF Download 
How to Support Survivors of GBV When a GBV Actor is Not Available in Your Area - User Guide (IASC, 2015) - PDF Download