UNHCR Refugee WASH Monitoring System – Household Level

The UNHCR WASH Monitoring System includes monitoring of WASH indicators at the household level in refugee settings as part of the annual KAP (Knowledge Attitudes Practices) survey. Annual WASH KAP indicators are tracked for all refugee settings on the Refugee WASH Dashboard.

A) Indicators
The Annual WASH Kap Survey captures information on 9 household level indicators including:

  1. % of HH collecting water from protected or treated sources
  2. % of HH with at least 10 lppd potable water storage capacity
  3. Average # litres of safe water collected per person per day
  4. Maximum distance [m] from household to potable water collection point
  5. % of HH reporting defecating in a toilet
  6. % of HH with household latrine/toilet (not shared)
  7. % of HH with soap for handwashing
  8. % of recipients who are satisfied with menstrual hygiene management materials and facilities
  9. % of HH with access to a designated solid waste disposal facility

Indicators are taken from WASH Indicators and Targets for Refugee Settings – PDF (UNHCR, 2020)

B) Guidance
Below is information on how to undertake an Annual Household WASH KAP Survey.
Getting Started Preparation Training and Piloting Data Collection Analysis
Getting started Preparation Training Data collection Analysis
Download Download Download Download Download

Download all modules as a single ZIP file here.

C) Checklists / Forms / Tools
Below are the Annual WASH KAP Survey questionnaires, analysis tools, and additional documents.
D) Data Entry
Once the analysis is complete and the report is finalized, the indicator information should be loaded into the “KAP Form” within the Integrated Refugee Health Information System (iRHIS). In addition the cleaned dataset, questionnaire, and final report should be loaded onto the Raw Internal Data Library (RiDL). More information on RiDL LINK.

  1. UNHCR Integrated Refugee Health Information System (iRHIS) https://his.unhcr.org/auth/login
  2. UNHCR Raw Internal Data Library (RiDL) https://ridl.unhcr.org/
E) Dashboard
The WASH Annual KAP Survey data from refugee sites globally can be found in the WASH Dashboard. Data from individual countries and refugee sites can be downloaded and analysed offline. Click here to access the WASH Dashboard