WASH Guidelines and Forms for Refugee Settings

These UNHCR WASH guidelines and blank forms form part of UNHCR’s series of Standardized Tools and Guidelines for Refugee Settings which are the result of an extensive review process with WASH actors who have active programmes supporting refugees. It is recognized that these WASH guidelines and blank forms will require continuous review and amendment in response to changes in best-practice and feedback from the field. Therefore further review will be managed by a Technical Committee which will discuss issues related to the use of the forms and an annual update will be reported back to the WASH community. More urgent amendments will be reported as, and when, required. Note that many of these forms are based on tools shared by active refugee-focused WASH agencies and credit has given when a particular agency’s tool has been used or adapted.

Note that these designs can also be viewed by filtering the WASH Resources Database for “WASH Guidelines” or “WASH Forms”. They may also be found by filtering the archives for documents with the metatag “WASH Forms” or “WASH Guidelines”.

  F-100/2015a WASH Programme Safety and Security Checklist
  F-101/2015a WASH Programme Universal Access Checklist
  F-102/2015a WASH Organisational Capacity Assessment Tool
  F-103/2015a Country Level Refugee WASH Strategy Template
  F-104/2015a Site Level Refugee WASH Strategy Template
  F-105/2015a Site Level Refugee WASH Operational Plan Template
  F-106/2015a WASH Environmental Impact Assessment Template

  F-200/2015a Summary Sheet of Important WASH Related Diseases in Refugee Settings with Recommended Control Measures
  F-201/2015a Sample WASH Outbreak Preparedness and Response Plan for a Diarrhoeal Disease Outbreak in a Refugee Setting – COMING SOON!

  DG-300/2015a Design Guidelines for Piped Water Networks in Refugee Settings
  G-300/2018a Water Trucking Guidance Note
  F-300/2017a Borehole Drilling Log and Pump-Testing Template
  F-301/2017a Sample Drilling Contract and Specification for Refugee Settings Template
  F-302/2015a Well Cleaning and Chlorination Log Sheet Template
  F-303/2015a Sample ToRs Template for Hydrogeological Surveying
  F-304/2015a Water Safety Plan Template – COMING SOON!
  F-306/2019a Water Tanker Logbook Template
  F-307/2019a Refugee Water Monitor Logbook Template
  F-308/2019a Water Tanker Inspection Checklist and Certificate

  DG-400/2015a Design Guidelines for Toilets in Refugee Settings
  OG-401/2018a Urine Diverting Dry Toilet (UDDT) Standard Operating Procedures (Oxfam GB and UNHCR, 2018)*
  OG-402/2018a Tiger Worm Toilets Guidelines (Oxfam GB and UNHCR, 2018)
  OG-403/2018a Container-based Toilets with Solid Fuel Briquettes Guidelines (Sanivation and UNHCR, 2018)
  F-400/2015a Communal Toilet Infrastructure Sanitary Survey Form
  F-401/2016a Septic Tank Sizing Spreadsheet
  F-402/2016a Septic Tank Drain Field Sizing Spreadsheet
* validated.

  F-500/2015a Solid Waste Composition Assessment Template
  F-501/2015a Landfill Sanitary Survey Assessment Form
  F-502/2015a Solid Waste Action Plan Template
  F-503/2015a Landfill Waste Register Template

  OG-600/2017a Hygiene Promotion Guidelines (UNHCR, 2017)

  OG-800/2015a UNHCR WASH Guidelines on Camps Closure (UNHCR, 2014)
  OG-801/2015a WASH Winterization Technical Brief (UNHCR, 2015)
  OG-802/2015a Guidelines for Staff Health and Safety in Refugee WASH Programmes (UNHCR, 2015)
  OG-803/2017a WASH, Protection and Accountability Briefing Paper (UNHCR, 2017)
  OG-804/2018a UNHCR Urban WASH Planning Guidelines (UNHCR, 2018)
  OG-805/2016a Guidance for Cash Based Interventions for WASH Programmes in Refugee Settings (UNHCR, 2016)
  F-800/2015a Sample WASH Staffing Structure for Camp Based Setting of 20,000 People – Post Emergency Phase
  F-801/2015a Toilet Block Management Sample Community Agreement Template
  F-802/2015a Emergency WASH 3W (WHO, WHAT, WHERE) Template – COMING SOON!

  OG-900/2017a Rapid Methods for Assessing WASH Services in Refugee Settings (UNHCR, 2017)
  OG-901/2017a KAP Survey Guidelines (UNHCR, 2017)
  F-900/2015a Key Informant Interview / Focus Group Primer Questions
  F-901/2015a Excreta Management Infrastructure Assessment Tool
  F-902/2015a WASH Rapid Assessment Forms

Note that these designs can also be viewed by filtering the WASH Resources Database for “WASH Guidelines” or “WASH Forms”.
They may also be found by filtering the archives for documents with the metatag “WASH Forms” or “WASH Guidelines”