23 June 2021

In response to the first Mid-Year Stocktake on Protection Funding for humanitarian responses in 2021, William Chemaly, Coordinator and spokesperson for the Global Protection Cluster stated,

“Amid the public health and economic crises brought on by the pandemic, the impacts of Covid-19 have become a far-reaching global protection emergency. People in nations with pre-existing conflicts and disasters are now grappling with crises on top of crises.”

“As of mid-2021, our 32 operations have received 25 percent of the funding required for 2021, and met the protection needs of 25 million people, but leaving 3 out 4 people at risk without life-saving protection responses.”

“We must continue ensuring, for the next 6 months, that front line responders have the required resources. This is a time to double our efforts and make sure that people are not left alone. 12 operations are crucially under-resourced and require immediate attention: The Democratic Republic of the Congo, Nigeria, Somalia, Haiti, Syria, South Sudan, Venezuela, Cameroon, Chad, Sudan, Iraq and Ethiopia.”

“Local partners, who play a crucial role in frontline response, received 9 per cent of the protection funding, still far short of the commitments to the Grand Bargain in 2016 for 25 per cent of resources going to local actors. We need to see more investment in local actors for the next six months.”

“COVID-19 has reminded us of the critical importance of local actors during the pandemic as they remained on the frontline during movement restrictions and lockdowns responding in their communities to ensure the continuity of protection services.”

“All people, including women, children as well as vulnerable groups have a right to protection and the global community has a collective responsibility to provide it. We welcome the ongoing conversations and collaboration between donors, governments, UN Agencies and civil society organisations, including those at local level to ensure all people in humanitarian crises are able to access the protection and safety they need.”


For the first time, the Global Protection Cluster has led research and analysis on a Mid-Year Stocktake of Protection Funding in Humanitarian Crises. To find out more on the key findings, a copy of the report can be found here.