
The humanitarian situation in Myanmar is driven by longstanding conflicts between the Myanmar Armed Forces (the Tatmadaw) and various insurgent groups, including militias and ethnic armed organisations (EAOs). 1 million people need humanitarian assistance in Myanmar, with the highest needs concentrated in Rakhine, Kachin, and Shan states, where various EAOs are pursuing independence and self-determination.?

Rakhine and Shan states are sites of active conflict. Clashes between EAOs and the Tatmadaw often occur near civilian areas. In Shan, more than 26,000 new displacements were recorded in 2019. In Rakhine, an August 2017 crackdown against the Rohingya population forced 700,000 to flee to Bangladesh. Since January 2019, conflict in Rakhine has intensified between the Arakan Army (AA) and the Tatmadaw, despite a short lull since the 2020 general elections. Protracted conflict-led displacement has left over 130,000 IDPs in Rakhine and 15,000 in Shan confined to IDP camps. Conflict in Kachin escalated in 2011, following the collapse of a ceasefire between the Kachin Independence Army and the Tatmadaw. 95,000 people remain in protracted displacement in Kachin.?

Protection is a key concern across Myanmar as armed conflict and violations of international humanitarian law by the Tatmadaw and armed groups continue to affect civilians. Access to basic services is limited and livelihoods are threatened by conflict and lack of economic opportunities, particularly for the stateless Rohingya in Rakhine and for IDPs living in non-government controlled areas in northern Shan.?

INFORM measures Myanmar's risk of humanitarian crisis and disaster to be high, at 6.3/10.?

Latest Developments

Around 150,000 people have been newly displaced in the southeast, most of them since 20 May, because of intensified clashes between the military armed forces (MAF) and ethnic armed groups including  the Karen National Liberation Army (KLNA) in Kayah and Kayin states and the eastern Bago Region. Around 100,000 IDPs are in Kayah state with an unconfirmed number of IDPs hiding in the jungle. IDPs are in urgent need of clean drinking water, essential healthcare, food, WASH, shelter, and NFIs. The security situation in the southeast has worsened significantly since the coup and was further aggravated with the intervention of the People's Defense Force (PDF) formed on 5 May by the National Unity Government. Travel restrictions imposed by the military, road blockades, and mine contamination on public roads are severely hampering humanitarian response prompting volunteers from Thailand to cross illegally into Myanmar to respond. Overall, 175,000 new displacements took place in Myanmar post the 1 February coup. ?

The military junta suspended more than 125,000 (29% of total) school teachers and 19,500 (75%) university staff in May in response to their participation in protests and boycotts against the February coup. The new school year started on 1 June, following a year’s closure due to COVID-19. Only 10% of around 9 million school pupils have returned to school. Armed forces are present in and around education facilities , and there have been protests nationwide because of the perceived risks of insecurity and indoctrination. ?The education system disruption for two consecutive years will have a significant impact on the development of around 12 million students and youth, particularly those in poor communities, and on the livelihoods of the suspended 145,000 educators. At least 80% of all schoolteachers are women, often the primary income earners for their household. Myanmar’s spending on education in 2019 was already one of the lowest in the world. ?

For more information, please read our latest briefing note on the impact of the February coup here.

Key Figures

Total population
People affected
People displaced
People in Need
Key figures are for the entire response and are not CCCM-specific.

INFORM Global Crisis Severity Index

Crisis Severity: 3.7

Impact: 3.3

Humanitarian Conditions: 3.9

Complexity: 3.7

Access Constraints: 4

The above scale is from 0 (Very low) to 5 (Very high)
Information courtesy of ACAPS.
Response Overview

Key Figures - 2021 HPC

in need
People targeted
Funding required


  1. IDPs receive protection from the elements to support their dignity, security and privacy through provision of non-food-items (NFIs) and emergency, temporary or semi-permanent shelter support where appropriate.
  2. IDPs receive protection from the elements to support their dignity, security and privacy through provision of non-food-items (NFIs) and emergency, temporary or semi-permanent shelter support where appropriate.
  3. Quality of life of IDPs is improved through support management and service provision in IDP camps.

HDX datasets

9 Common Operating Datasets or CCCM-tagged datsets are on the Humanitarian Data Exchange: