Media page: 'Coming Together For Refugee Education'

““The coronavirus could destroy the dreams and ambitions of these young refugees... steady and hard-won increases in school, university, technical and vocational education enrollment could be reversed – in some cases permanently.”

UN High Commissioner for Refugees Filippo Grandi

Press release

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Press briefing at Palais des Nations in Geneva to launch UNHCR's 2020 Education Report

Media Contacts 

For technical expertise on education, please contact:

  • Becky Telford, UNHCR Chief of Education, [email protected], +45 45 33 63 35
  • Mamadou Dian Balde, Deputy Director of UNHCR's Division of Resilience and Solutions, [email protected], +41 22 739 8795
  • Jennifer Roberts, UNHCR Senior Education Officer, [email protected], +45 45 33 65 22
  • Benoit d'Ansembourg , UNHCR Senior Education Officer, [email protected], +45  45 33 64 07

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