UNHCR ramps up support to Iraqi returnees amid large-scale closure of IDP camps

13 Nov 2020

Refugees deliver mental health services to locked down camps in Iraq

Trained community workers – many of them refugees themselves – are providing vital mental health support during the COVID-19 outbreak in northern Iraq.

8 Jul 2020

Seven refugees making a difference during the time of COVID-19

By producing soap, treating the sick and shopping for the vulnerable, these refugees from around the world are taking action to fight the coronavirus.

19 Jun 2020

Syrian refugees profoundly hit by COVID-19 economic downturn

16 Jun 2020

Refugee nurse on the front line against coronavirus in Iran

After earning a nursing degree on a UNHCR scholarship, Iraqi nurse Moheyman is working tirelessly to assist Iranians and fellow refugees in current COVID-19 crisis.

7 Apr 2020

Mosul metalworker helps Old City neighbours after displacement

Coming back to this historic district after two long years, Saad found help to repair his house. Now he is putting his skills to work so others can return home.

25 Mar 2020

After 9 years of tragedy, resilience and solidarity, the world must not forget displaced Syrians

10 Mar 2020

UNHCR statement on the situation at the Turkey-EU border

2 Mar 2020

For one man, fifth exile from north-east Syria drains all hope

Mustafa and his family have fled to Iraq five times since the start of the Syria crisis, but having lost his home and business in the latest violence he fears for their future.

9 Jan 2020