
Climate change and conflict pursue displaced Burkinabes

In Burkina Faso, the displaced struggle to find a refuge from violence and the effects of global heating.

25 Jan 2021

Sahel internal displacement tops 2 million as violence surges

Grim milestone reached in world's fastest-growing displacement crisis as fighting uproots 11,400 within Burkina Faso.

22 Jan 2021

Assistance slowly returns to refugee camps in southern Tigray

UNHCR regains access to Adi Harush and Mai Aini camps while two other camps for Eritrean refugees remain cut off by the ongoing insecurity.

21 Jan 2021

'All I want is a doctor for my brother and a school for me'

More than 2,200 asylum seekers and refugees have now been relocated from reception centres on Greek islands and elsewhere in Greece to other European countries.

20 Jan 2021

'A whole new world has opened in front of me'

For 50,000 formerly stateless people in Uzbekistan, citizenship will unlock the door to foreign travel, the right to vote and allow them a new-found dignity.

20 Jan 2021

Thousands of Central Africans seek refuge in Cameroon

A resurgence of violence in the Central African Republic has driven 5,000 Central Africans to seek safety across the border in Cameroon.

19 Jan 2021

Q&A: 'Including refugees in the vaccine rollout is key to ending the pandemic'

Mike Woodman of UNHCR's Public Health Section explains how the organization is working to ensure millions of forcibly displaced people worldwide are protected from the COVID-19 virus.

14 Jan 2021

Iraqi couple among world's first refugees to get COVID-19 jab

After receiving inoculation as part of Jordan's national vaccination plan, Iraqi refugee Raia hopes life will soon return to normal and other refugees will follow her lead.

14 Jan 2021

Hosts offer vital refuge to families fleeing DRC violence

Solidarity shown by local Congolese communities has been critical in the response to mass forced displacement, but funding cuts threaten UNHCR's ability to offer support.

13 Jan 2021