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Syrian boy takes incredible path from refugee to red carpet

Syrian boy takes incredible path from refugee to red carpet

Smiling shyly into a television camera before taking to the stage in front of a packed Cannes Film Festival audience, 13-year-old Syrian refugee Zain Al Rafeaa soaked up the applause of the assembled movie stars, directors and other film industry luminaries.

Lebanese teacher helps Syrian refugee thrive at school

Lebanese teacher helps Syrian refugee thrive at school

Leaning his small body across the chipped wooden desk at the center of a green-walled classroom, 12-year-old Abed helps explain a mathematical problem to three other students. Abed is a refugee from Syria, and the students are his Syrian and Lebanese classmates at Al...

Lebanon eases birth registration rules for Syrian refugees

Lebanon eases birth registration rules for Syrian refugees

Firaz has worked in construction all his life, but dreams of better opportunities for his three young children. “I don’t want them to end up with limited options like me. With an education, I hope they can work in medicine or engineering back home, rather...

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