Refugee firefighters honoured for their bravery in protecting Mauritania's environment

For their tenacious efforts to put out bushfires and plant trees, the Mbera Fire Brigade has been named the UNHCR Nansen Refugee Award regional winner for Africa.

4 Oct 2022

Refugee-led business provides clean energy to camp residents

A Congolese refugee is providing a lifeline for thousands of refugees and their hosts in Kenya's Kakuma camp through sustainable, reliable and affordable energy.

5 Jun 2022

UNHCR's Grandi meets Cameroonians displaced by conflict over scarce resources

After water scarcity driven by climate change sparked deadly clashes in Cameroon's Far North, UN High Commissioner for Refugees calls for reconciliation and more help for those affected.

1 May 2022

IOM and UNHCR call for more international support to Niger after joint visit

11 Feb 2022

Warming climate threatens livelihoods of Malian refugees and Mauritanians

Lake Mahmouda, a vital source of water and food for refugees and local communities in Mauritania, is under threat as an increasingly hostile climate causes it to shrink.

30 Oct 2021

Refugees in Cameroon help build 'Great Green Wall' to combat desertification

Refugees and host communities in northern Cameroon have planted 360,000 seedlings, transforming the environment in and around Minawao refugee camp.

22 Sep 2021

Solar cooperatives give refugees and locals in Ethiopia clean energy and livelihoods

Refugees and locals are coming together to provide affordable, green energy to their communities in Ethiopia's Somali region.

3 Jun 2021

Massive floods in Sudan impact thousands of refugees

South Sudanese refugees remain in urgent need of support after heavy rains and floods damage their shelters.

24 Sep 2020

Restoring Sudan's forest cover, one tree at a time

Refugees and their hosts together plant one million trees in a massive reforestation drive in Sudan's White Nile State.

8 Jun 2020