Internships in UNHCR


Internships have been present within UNHCR at HQ and in the field under a variety of arrangements for many years. Internships may be offered at UNHCR Headquarters and family duty stations in the UNHCR field locations.


1- In order to be considered eligible for an internship, the following criteria must be fulfilled:

  1. Be a recent graduate (recent graduates are to be considered those persons who completed their studies within one year of applying for an internship with UNHCR) or current student in a graduate/undergraduate school programme from a university or higher education facility accredited by UNESCO; and
  2. Have completed at least two years of undergraduate studies in a field relevant or of interest to the work of the Organization.

2- An individual whose father, mother, son, daughter, brother or sister is a staff member of UNHCR, including a Temporary Appointment holder or a member of the Affiliate Workforce, is not eligible for an internship.


The purpose of the internship programme is twofold:

  1. Primarily, provide interns with an opportunity to gain practical work experience related to their academic programme or future work in a field related to UNHCR’s mission (e.g. international relations, international law, human rights, administration, public information, field work, etc.)
  2.  Secondly, to provide UNHCR offices with the assistance of qualified interns specialized in various professional fields.


Interns are neither “staff members” under the Staff Regulations and Rules of the United

Nations, nor “officials” within the meaning of the Convention on the Privileges and Immunities of the United Nations of 13 February 1946.


Internships will initially be granted for a minimum period of two months, up to a maximum of six months. Upon the agreement of the intern and the supervisor, an internship may be extended up to a maximum total cumulative internship duration of eight months, provided that the eligibility criteria continue to be met. An intern may undertake multiple internship assignments as long as the total cumulative internship duration is not exceeded. The internship programme is normally on a full-time basis. Exceptions may be granted if it is in the mutual interest of both the intern and the Organization and upon agreement of both parties.

General Conditions

Interns are fully responsible for arranging medical insurance covering the full internship period. UNHCR accepts no responsibility for any costs connected to medical insurance of interns.

The work unit will provide interns who do not receive financial support from an outside party (sponsored interns) a Food and Local Transportation Allowance (the Allowance), which will be the equivalent of 10% of the Daily Subsistence Allowance (DSA) of the duty station and be based on 30 calendar days.

Costs and arrangements for international travel including travel arrangements to and from the location where the internship will be carried out, visas, accommodation and living expenses are the responsibilities of interns or their sponsoring institutions.

To register for UNHCR Turkey Internship Programme please send your motivation letter and P11 form to: [email protected]

Your application will be added to the UNHCR Roster and will be shared with various departments in the operation base on the profile and area of interest.

Forms to be completed: United Nations Personal History Form: (Forms may still remain)


Employment Record – Supplementary Sheet:


For further information about employment types and job openings elsewhere please visit