Martin Rentsch


External relations for , tweeting mostly about refugees and asylum in Deutsch & English.

Joined July 2010


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  1. 7 hours ago

    "And today I am urging European States to seize this opportunity to find a new and united approach [...] in a way that simultaneously upholds the European and international asylum standards." ~ ahead of the EU summit.

  2. Retweeted
    Jun 21

    It has been said many times before, but it bears repeating: Seeking asylum is not a crime. Helping someone to access their fundamental human right to seek asylum shouldn't be.

  3. Retweeted
    Jun 20

    Symiah, Spencer and May support free access to education for everyone. sponsored by

  4. Jun 20

    The country I want to call home helps people who have lost theirs. Let's stand not only on .

  5. Jun 20

    Schickes Video mit unseren neuen Zahlen! Kleiner Hinweis: Es sind allerdings nicht 68,5 Mio Flüchtlinge sondern Menschen auf der Flucht = Flüchtlinge + Binnenvertriebene + Asylsuchende.

  6. Retweeted
    Jun 20

    'We are being tested today and our response will be the measure of our humanity' - UNHCR Special Envoy Angelina Jolie on World Refugee Day 2018

  7. Jun 19

    Fakten statt "gefühlte Wahrheiten": Toller Thread von mit den Zahlen unseres Jahresberichts.

  8. Retweeted
    Jun 19

    Neuer Bericht zu weltweiten Flüchtlingszahlen berichtigt "gefühlte Wahrheiten": in Deutschland kamen 2017 nur 1/5 der v 2015 an! 85% aller nehmen arme Länder auf. Wir brauchen in der statt

  9. Jun 18

    Forced displacement at record-high for the 5th year in a row, Germany is a significant host country but arrival figures are decreasing. The crisis is elsewhere, our new figures show.

  10. Jun 15

    Schutzsuchende an der Grenze einfach abzuweisen ist rechtlich nicht möglich. Überblick von .

  11. Jun 14

    A race by states to introduce unilateral restrictions risks harming refugees, and Europe itself. ~

  12. Jun 13
  13. Jun 12

    "Increasingly restrictive asylum policies and unilateral measures by European States marginalize refugees, and make successful integration more difficult – harming both refugees and the societies hosting them." ~

  14. Jun 11

    "There is an urgent humanitarian imperative here" - Bring passengers to land, deal with wider issues later -

  15. Jun 9

    Die Flüchtlingsdebatte ist aus den Fugen geraten. Ein paar Gedanken, warum das nicht nur schlecht für die Flüchtlinge ist.

  16. Jun 8

    Toller Kommentar von . Die Flüchtlingsdiskussion muss dringend versachlicht werden. Nicht nur für die Flüchtlinge, sondern den gesellschaftlichen Zusammenhalt.

  17. Jun 8
  18. Jun 7

    . warns of 'bureacratic jungle' by new German family reunification law. Reliable, clear and transparent criteria are needed to fill monthly 1k quota. (German)

  19. Retweeted
    Jun 6

    The tent goes up in a Kakuma secondary school - ready for our 12 amazing ❌ speakers. The students are very excited too - they're going to be our ushers 👫

  20. May 30

    "No culture, anywhere, punishes solidarity." ~

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