About Alan

Scottish actor and writer Alan Cumming has been a supporter of UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency, since 2016. That year, he travelled to Lebanon where he met Syrian refugees living in informal settlements and unfinished buildings, and visited one of the largest hospitals in the country where refugees receive critical life-saving support with the help of UNHCR. He also met LGBTQI refugees who had fled horrific persecution and violence in Syria and Iraq, and, in 2019, he had the great opportunity to reconnect with one of these refugees who had been resettled to Amsterdam.

Since this trip, Alan faithfully lends his passionate voice and platform to shed light on the global refugee crisis via media, social media, fundraising and campaign support. A few highlights include his participation in UNHCR’s COVID-19 appeal, emphasizing the vulnerability of refugees and how many lack access to basics like soap and water, his support of #StepWithRefugees, and of #WithRefugees

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