On World Refugee Day, UNHCR Goodwill Ambassador Ben Stiller calls for equal treatment of refugees - whoever, wherever, whenever

Stiller: "Protecting people forced to flee is a collective global responsibility. We have to remember this could happen to anyone, anywhere."

20 Jun 2022

UN humanitarian leaders call for the renewal of cross-border aid authorization to northwest Syria

16 Jun 2022

More support needed as Syrian refugees reach breaking point

With no work and struggling to cope amid Lebanon's economic crisis, a Syrian refugee family are relying on their 10-year-old daughter's meagre income to stay afloat.

9 May 2022

The woman with golden hands: Syrian refugee in Jordan finds joy - and a future - in making beautiful things

25 Apr 2022

Syrian brothers in Lebanon are a team on the football field and at home

Four young Syrian refugees in Lebanon work as a team to care for their brother with epilepsy, and dream of playing professional football to get him the medical treatment he needs.

21 Apr 2022

Displaced Syrians face bleak Ramadan as economic pain follows COVID-19

Across much of the Middle East and North Africa, Holy Month celebrations are replaced by a struggle for survival amid economic shocks and rising food prices.

14 Apr 2022

On Oscars night, Hollywood stars show solidarity #WithRefugees

With themes of displacement and loss featuring in many of the nominated films, celebrities at the ceremony and online shone a light on refugee crises in Ukraine and beyond.

1 Apr 2022

UNHCR Special Envoy, Ms. Angelina Jolie Statement to the High-Level Pledging Event on the Humanitarian Crisis in Yemen

16 Mar 2022

Eleven years on, mounting challenges push many displaced Syrians to the brink

15 Mar 2022