News Releases
Over 100,000 displaced by resurgence of violence in Sudan's Darfur region
Grim milestone as Sahel violence displaces 2 million inside their countries
IOM, UNHCR: Shipwreck off Libya claims over 40 Lives
UNHCR finds dire need in Eritrean refugee camps cut off in Tigray conflict
Number of Central African refugees soars as violence intensifies
UNHCR welcomes Mexico's reforms to protect rights of child refugees and asylum-seekers
Latest Stories

Sahel internal displacement tops 2 million as violence surges
Grim milestone reached in world's fastest-growing displacement crisis as fighting uproots 11,400 within Burkina Faso.

Assistance slowly returns to refugee camps in southern Tigray
UNHCR regains access to Adi Harush and Mai Aini camps while two other camps for Eritrean refugees remain cut off by the ongoing insecurity.

'All I want is a doctor for my brother and a school for me'
More than 2,200 asylum seekers and refugees have now been relocated from reception centres on Greek islands and elsewhere in Greece to other European countries.

'A whole new world has opened in front of me'
For 50,000 formerly stateless people in Uzbekistan, citizenship will unlock the door to foreign travel, the right to vote and allow them a new-found dignity.

Thousands of Central Africans seek refuge in Cameroon
A resurgence of violence in the Central African Republic has driven 5,000 Central Africans to seek safety across the border in Cameroon.

Q&A: 'Including refugees in the vaccine rollout is key to ending the pandemic'
Mike Woodman of UNHCR's Public Health Section explains how the organization is working to ensure millions of forcibly displaced people worldwide are protected from the COVID-19 virus.
Featured Content

Young artists drew a world where kindness defeats COVID-19 – We animated it
UNHCR asked youth to draw in solidarity with refugees amid the pandemic. We received 2,000 drawings from 100 countries, chose seven and brought them to life.

As coronavirus spreads, refugee doctors want to join the fight
Trained medics working as cashiers and wait staff want their qualifications recognized so they can save lives in the pandemic.

Venezuelan counsellors offer fellow refugees 'psychological first aid'
In Peru, Venezuelan mental health professionals are reaching out to the diaspora with remote sessions to help them cope in the coronavirus pandemic.