300,000 people lose homes, incomes, food supplies and belongings due to catastrophic flooding in Yemen

21 Aug 2020

For Yemenis on the brink, aid funding gap spells disaster

Already the world's worst humanitarian crisis after years of conflict and mass displacement, aid cuts due to lack of funds and arrival of COVID-19 put millions of lives at risk.

2 Jun 2020

Refugees across Arab world feel economic pain of coronavirus

As COVID-19 restrictions ravage livelihoods in the global economy, refugees and displaced people in Middle East and North Africa are among the hardest hit.

1 May 2020

UNHCR: Shortfall threatens critical aid for nearly one million displaced Yemenis and refugees

28 Apr 2020

Help arrives on three wheels for displaced Yemeni recyclers

After losing his home and business in Yemen's conflict, Said is among 90 displaced recyclers whose earnings have doubled after receiving new tricycles from UNHCR.

17 Apr 2020

Peace needed more than ever after five years of conflict in Yemen deepens suffering

27 Mar 2020

Yemen sees fresh displacement after five years of conflict

After fleeing latest fighting in country's north, Yemenis describe harrowing route to safety and dire conditions on arrival as humanitarian aid struggles to meet needs.

27 Mar 2020

Somali refugees return home from Yemen in latest UNHCR-facilitated departure

29 Oct 2019

Training refugees and Ethiopians for the job market

A vocational programme funded by the German government teaches skills such as cooking, woodworking and mechanics to refugees and their hosts.

29 Oct 2019