Young Leaders Committee Quebec

UNHCR Canada is working with a team of bright, young professionals to help bring awareness and grow support for refugees worldwide.

Our Young Leaders Committee brings structure to all of our ongoing initiatives. Each board member has a specific set of skills that will allow us to reach more supporters across the province. Our team has an impressive network and a dedication to get all of Quebec rallying for refugees.

Learn more about our Young Leaders below.

Meet the committee

A photo of Andreanne

Name: Andréanne De Lasalle Couture

Role: Committee Member

“You only run for the border when you see the whole city running as well // You only leave home when home won’t let you stay // You have to understand that no one puts their children in a boat unless the water is safer than the land.”- Excerpts from Home by Warsan Shire

After taking part of a delegation program in Europe and witnessing the reality of refugees at their arrival, Andréanne became passionate for the refugee cause and joined the YLC. She hopes to use her creativity and advocacy skills-coupled with her interest in technological solutions-to implement innovative solutions that will support refugees and increase the safety of displaced people. Currently working as a human rights lawyer, Andréanne aims to raise Canadians’ awareness about the refugee crisis and stress that as a global issue it requires a global response. To help create a social climate that supports a sustainable integration for people seeking asylum, Andréanne will work with the YLC to make sure refugees feel supported, welcomed and safe.

Andréanne De Lasalle Couture’s LinkedIn

Name: Andriy Strogan

Role: Committee Member

“Our best chance for survival is to work together to make this planet a great home for everyone.”

Andriy believes in action, and sees the YLC as a platform to create positive change throughout our communities, and the world around us. He knows that people do not choose to become refugees, as it is something that is forced upon them by external forces. Andriy knows how important it is to help our neighbours to make the world a better place. As a management consultant, he hopes to bring his network and creative problem-solving skills to YLC fundraising initiatives.

Andriy Strogan’s LinkedIn

Name: David Easey

Role:  Committee Member

“I always put myself in refugee shoes, and understand what it must be like to experience the horror and trauma of displacement.”

David is passionate about global affairs. While watching the refugee crisis unfold across the globe, he’s ready to get involved and create change—whether it’s in Canada or abroad. He’s a descendant of refugees who fled the Armenian genocide, and has always been moved by the realities of displacement. David brings skills in storytelling and research that will help bring awareness to our fundraising efforts.

David Easey’s LinkedIn

Name: Kyvy LeDuc

Role:  Committee Member

“There are beautiful stories that foster hope and move our hearts and minds. Stories that make us open our doors.”

Coming from a family of refugees, KyVy grew up hearing their stories of hardship and overcoming barriers. As a storyteller, he knows that the crisis can be alleviated by compassion and empathy. KyVy wants to change the narrative of refugee stories that create fears and make us build walls. KyVy brings journalistic skills and enthusiasm to various fundraising initiatives.

Kyvy LeDuc’s LinkedIn

Name: Lucy Makdessian 

Role: Committee Member

 “I want to collaborate with other like-minded people towards an impactful goal.”

 Lucy Makdessian is a marketing professional who wants to put her time and energy towards something that allows organizations such as the UNHCR to continue to do their important work. Displaced persons deserve the same human rights and care as the rest of the population, so Lucy hopes to use her background in marketing to help fundraise for UNHCR’s humanitarian work.

Name: Marc-André Séguin

Role: Committee Member

“I want to make a difference.”

Marc-André is committed to helping refugees through advocacy and fundraising initiatives. As a professional Canadian and American-licensed Immigration lawyer, Marc-André knows the hardship refugees face when they enter Canada. He’s also the co-founder of Exeo Attorneys, an immigration law firm, and is the president of For the Refugees, a not-for-profit organization fighting for the rights of political refugees and asylum seekers in Montreal. Marc-André hopes to use his profession and passion to help UNHCR meet fundraising goals.

Marc-André Séguin’s LinkedIn

Name: Omar Shash

Role: Committee Member

“They need help the most.”

Omar is a successful finance professional dedicated to helping the world’s most vulnerable. He joined the Young Leaders Committee to help make a difference for refugees in the community. Knowing the dire need for support, Omar plans to use his skills and network to help refugees in Quebec and abroad.

Omar Shash’s LinkedIn


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