UNHCR urges states to end limbo for stateless people by 2024

UNHCR's #IBelong Campaign, to end statelessness by 2024, Filippo Grandi calls for protection of stateless populations as COVID-19 is worsening the plight of millions of stateless people worldwide.

11 Nov 2020

Inclusion key to protecting refugees and their hosts amid COVID-19 pandemic

4 Nov 2020

Space, shelter and scarce resources - coping with COVID-19

As the pandemic surges, data visualization shows how displaced people have to contend with extreme overcrowding and limited access to basics such as soap and water.

4 Nov 2020

World Cities Day: Cities lead the way in protecting forcibly displaced against impact of COVID-19

31 Oct 2020

'Give us a seat at the table and we'll change the world'

At the High Commissioner's Dialogue on Protection Challenges, participants say those who are forcibly displaced are eager and qualified to help rebuild communities devastated by COVID-19.

22 Oct 2020

UNHCR calls for protection, support for civilians affected by violence in southern Afghanistan

20 Oct 2020

As COVID-19 rages, Mexican firm steps up to save lives

Partly staffed by refugees, storied appliance maker Mabe turns its production to safeguarding Latin America's first responders.

16 Oct 2020

Innovative 'keyhole' gardens help refugees improve their nutrition

A unique yet simple approach to growing vegetables is diversifying refugees' diets in Tanzania's refugee camps.

16 Oct 2020

Refugees in South Africa share acts of kindness with their hosts

A community of Somali refugees stand together with their South African neighbours to assist those struggling the most during the COVID-19 pandemic.

13 Oct 2020