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In just one minute you can help. And we urgently need you to.

In War, violence and persecution worldwide, we are responding to a refugee crisis unlike anything we've seen before.

Middle East, Africa, Asia, Europe, Central and South America: emergencies around the world today threaten millions of refugees. Families and children forced to flee their homes arrive in refugee camps daily with little more than the clothes on their back.

Girls like Riha need you. Violence and terror have forced her from her home. Horrific screams haunt her.

Joram survived bombs and gunfire. But the nightmares won’t stop. He desperately needs shelter and protection...

UNHCR is working around the clock to rush essential relief to those impacted but we need your help to replenish depleted supplies. That’s why we’re asking you to help.

Your donation will help provide immediate assistance including tents, blankets, cooking sets, medicine and other life-saving needs—to those who need it most.

You can make a difference and bring hope to refugees now.


100% of your donation is used for benefit of refugees.

* Your donation is 100% secure and not tax deductible.

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