UNHCR urges states to end limbo for stateless people by 2024

UNHCR's #IBelong Campaign, to end statelessness by 2024, Filippo Grandi calls for protection of stateless populations as COVID-19 is worsening the plight of millions of stateless people worldwide.

11 Nov 2020

Space, shelter and scarce resources - coping with COVID-19

As the pandemic surges, data visualization shows how displaced people have to contend with extreme overcrowding and limited access to basics such as soap and water.

4 Nov 2020

UNHCR calls for protection, support for civilians affected by violence in southern Afghanistan

20 Oct 2020

UNHCR's life-saving flights from Libya resume after seven-month suspension

16 Oct 2020

COVID-19 inducing 'widespread despair' among refugees, UNHCR appeals for urgent support for mental health

10 Oct 2020

Q&A: 'Before the pandemic, refugee mental health was severely overlooked. Now it's a full-blown crisis'

UNHCR's Senior Mental Health Officer Pieter Ventevogel says COVID-19 has been a tipping point for many refugees in distress. But with the crisis comes an opportunity.

10 Oct 2020

A month after Moria fires, UNHCR warns of worsening conditions ahead of winter

9 Oct 2020

UNHCR condemns killing of 25 internally displaced people in Burkina Faso

7 Oct 2020

COVID-19 crisis underlines need for refugee solidarity and inclusion

Global pandemic has curtailed access to asylum and threatened refugee rights, but has also shown the value of protecting displaced people, says UNHCR's Gillian Triggs.

7 Oct 2020