Data and Resources

Data, statistics and other resources for media and the public.

UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency, provides comprehensive data and statistics on forced displacement, both regarding specific operations, the global situation and populations of forcibly displaced people. The material is available for staff, governments, partners, other humanitarian and development stakeholders, academia and the public. In addition, UNHCR publishes a number of reports – sometimes jointly with other organizations and partners – which are important tools in advocacy and awareness raising.

Statistical Resources and Data Portals

Global Trends Report

UNHCR’s annual statistical report on global forced displacement, providing figures and trends on refugees, internally displaced, asylum-seekers and stateless people.

Northern Europe Country Factsheets

Providing an overview on arrivals of asylum-seekers, the refugee situation as well as recent developments in the countries of Northern Europe (Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Iceland, Latvia, Lithuania, Norway & Sweden).

Operational Data Portal

Providing data, information and continuous updates on operations and current emergencies. 

Global Focus Portal

UNHCR’s main reporting portal for donors and other key partners, providing an overview of operations, activities and results.

Refugee statistics

UNHCR’s Population Statistics Database provides official and validated data about UNHCR’s populations of concern from 1951.

Resettlement Data Finder

Providing statistics on resettlement, including countries of origin, countries of asylum and countries of resettlement. The dataportal is updated monthly. 


Other Resources


Compiling a comprehensive archive of legal documents and resources, historical and current, on protection, refugee- and displacement-related issues. 

The 1951 Refugee Convention

Find the treaty, its protocol and additional information on the convention, which is the key legal document, forming the basis of UNHCR’s work.

Refugees Media

Providing photos and video material from refugee and displacement situations across the globe. The media library can be accessed and content downloaded by media and partners by creating a profile.