TAGS  Population Group - Iraq / Iraq - IDPs   Population Group - Iraq / Syrian Arab Republic - Refugees  
Population of Concern in Iraq

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10,000th Syrian refugee to reach U.S. this week.
29 Aug 2016
Displaced athletes to make historic debut at Paralympic Games in Rio.
28 Aug 2016
Kerry to discuss Yemen, Syria with Gulf Arab states.
24 Aug 2016
Data as 18 August 2016 (sources: CCCM, UNHCR, REACH, IOM DTM), CCCM sites are provided. Out of 3.38M IDPs in Iraq (source DTM IOM Round 51), the population under CCCM is 1,261,402 people: 240 Formal Settlements: 681,346 people; 119,257 families 63 Planned Camps: 472,953 people; 84,044 families 157 Collective Centres: 83,388 people; 14,148 families 17 Dispersed Transit Centres: 91,549 people; 15,489 families 3 Transit Centres Camp: 33,456 people; 5,576 families 1,892 Informal Settlements: 580,056 people; 101,510 families
18 Aug 2016
According to figures from MoL the total number of valid work permits issued to Syrians has now reached above 26 thousand. This constitutes a total of 11% of the migrant labor force registered officially.
17 Aug 2016
[Inter-Agency Financial Tracking: Refugee Component] By end June 2016, 339 million USD (45% of the total requested funds) have been received.
09 Aug 2016


Global Shelter Cluster - Iraq
We have 78 Shelter & NFI Cluster Partners operating in the Country: 6 governmental bodies; 2 UN agencies; IOM; 4 bodies of the Red Cross Movement; 45 International NGOs; and 20 National NGOs: 70 are operating in KR-I (Kurdistan Region of Iraq); 22 are operating in Centre & South of Iraq and 14 are operating in both KR-I and Centre & South.
AFAD, Disaster and Emergency Managemenet Presidency of the Prime Ministry
Provides daily updates.
MFA, Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Instant announcement of Minister's statements or press briefings on Syria in Turkey
UNHCR Office public site