UNHCR urges states to end limbo for stateless people by 2024
News and StoriesNews Releases11 Nov 2020

UNHCR expands aid as Ivorian refugee numbers top 8,000
News and StoriesNews Releases10 Nov 2020

Inclusion key to protecting refugees and their hosts amid COVID pandemic
News and StoriesNews Releases4 Nov 2020
Commit to kindness this winter
Around UNHCR

Space, shelter and scarce resources – coping with COVID-19
As the pandemic surges, data visualization shows how displaced people have to contend with extreme overcrowding and limited access to basics such as soap and water.
News and StoriesStories

'Before the pandemic, refugee mental health was severely overlooked. Now it's a full-blown crisis'
UNHCR's Senior Mental Health Officer Pieter Ventevogel says COVID-19 has been a tipping point for many refugees in distress. But with the crisis comes an opportunity.
News and StoriesNews

17 overlooked ways refugees are leading on sustainable development
Around the world, displaced and stateless people are taking action to halt climate change, achieve gender equity and solve other complex problems.