Become a Fundraiser: Every Birthday Counts


Light up your birthday

Be a fundraiser to explore the impact of fundraising!

Set up a Fundraising Page

You can make a difference for humanity with just a few clicks!
By crowdfunding from friends and family, fundraising goals can be hit faster.
It’s a birthday made more meaningful.

Be a fundraiser now

How did our fundraisers light up their birthday?


“Many of my friends acted immediately since they believe the situation is extremely urgent.”


“Example is always better than precept, I hope my child would be inspired by this meaningful activity.”


“We can also light up other’s birthday when we are celebrating ours”

How can we help refugees?

Fundraisers will receive the following souvenir(s) once the fundraising amount reaches below, within 30 days after creating their own “Every Birthday Counts” fundraising page.


HK$1000 can provide 10 refugee families with 10 sleeping mats



HK$2600 to deliver 2 shelter kits to 2 refugee families affected by monsoon



HK$3000 can deliver tarpaulins or plastic sheets for providing immediate make-shift shelters protecting 3 families from the weather


                      Pledge your birthday


Add meaning to your birthday,

Help refugee children to regain a feeling of home.