Bosnia and Herzegovina Joint Strategy

Go back to the previous page Bosnia and Herzegovina   Operational Context The majority of persons at risk of statelessness in Bosnia and Herzegovina are Roma children. There are approximately 10,000 Roma children living in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Lack of awareness of...

Serbia Joint Strategy

Go back to the previous page Serbia   Operational Context UNHCR estimates that some 2,000 Roma remain at risk of statelessness in Serbia due to lack of personal documentation, approximately 300 of whom still lack birth registration. Serbia has adopted systemic...

Madagascar Joint Strategy

Go back to the previous page Madagascar   Operational Context The identified causes of statelessness in Madagascar can be divided into the following groups: – Ethnic discrimination faced by communities that have been in the country for several generations, such...


JORDAN           Adnan’s birth certificate was destroyed in Syria when their home burned down during the conflict. His mother Maha worries that this might prevent Adnan from one day being able to return to his own country....


MALAYSIA                   “The flowers blossom beautifully. I want a life like a flower – happy and beautiful. I don’t know if I will have the chance to have that because I don’t have documentation.” (Kavita, 22) ©...


THAILAND                   This tea farm that my family works on explained Sen, 16. © UNHCR Thailand’s stateless population is mostly made up of indigenous ‘Hill Tribe’ groups living in mountainous regions bordering...

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