Ireland commits 2 million Euros to Uganda for refugee education and to address sexual and gender-based violence.

Uganda. South Sudanese women

South Sudanese refugee women sing and dance in Palorinya settlement in northern Uganda.   © UNHCR/Michele Sibiloni

KAMPALA, Uganda – The Ambassador of Ireland to Uganda, H.E. William Carlos announced today a contribution of two million euros to the refugee response in Uganda through UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency,  which will assist the over 1.3 million refugees hosted in the country.

The funding will benefit refugees in all settlements across the country by strengthening access to education and vocational training and addressing Sexual and Gender Based Violence (SGBV) for the year 2019 and 2020. H.E William Carlos signed a Memorandum of Understanding with Mr. Joel Boutroue, UNHCR’s Representative in Uganda, today in the capital.

The Government of Uganda has a progressive approach to refugee management and has made great efforts to address many issues affecting refugees. Despite government efforts, refugees and their host communities remain in a poor and vulnerable condition, with limited access to social services and employment opportunities. Many struggle to sustain their families and to meet their daily basic needs. 

“Uganda was one of the pilot countries of the Comprehensive Refugee Response Framework (CRRF) which led to the Global Compact on Refugees," said Ambassador Carlos. "The CRRF, which Ireland strongly supports, is focused on supporting refugees to become more self-reliant, as well as strengthening the capacities of local and national governments to lead and manage the response."

The Ambassador added that the Embassy of Ireland is pleased to fund this programme through UNHCR and highly values partnerships with the Government of Uganda and other development partners to improve the lives of refugees in Uganda.

“I am happy to see that Ireland is committed to burden sharing in line with commitments of the Global Compact on Refugees," added UNHCR's Boutroue. "Education and environment are our top priorities, along with our core protection mandate and mainstreaming basic services with the government system.” 

The Ambassador added that in celebrating 25 years in Uganda this year, Ireland takes great pride in supporting the refugee community and looks forward to working together with partners in Government, the UN and civil society as has been the norm. 

For more information, please contact: 

In Kampala, Yonna Tukundane, +256 775 827 490, [email protected]

Embassy of Ireland, Bob Odongo, +256 772 841 689, +256 750 841 689, [email protected]