Cash aid brings relief to Libyan families uprooted by clashes

After fighting in Tripoli twice drove Hanan and her children from their homes, they finally found refuge in an unfinished building before receiving financial help from UNHCR.

5 Nov 2020

UNHCR cash grants provide a lifeline to thousands of refugees in Iran

13 Oct 2020

UNHCR expands support to refugees and host communities in Brazil as COVID-19 takes its toll

24 Jul 2020

Urban refugees face hunger in Uganda coronavirus lockdown

COVID-19 stay-at-home orders have taken a heavy toll on refugees, many of whom were struggling to get by in the informal economy before the pandemic hit.

26 May 2020

Mobile money helps displaced Congolese survive amid coronavirus threat

UNHCR is distributing money by mobile phone to 6,000 vulnerable families uprooted by conflict and already facing a deadly Ebola outbreak in DRC's North Kivu province.

7 May 2020

Cash assistance gives refugees the power of choice

UNHCR is expanding cash-based assistance so that the millions of people that it serves can meet their needs in dignity, are protected and can become more resilient.

9 Dec 2019

Cash for shelter programme empowers refugees and their hosts in Kenya

Cash assistance in Kenya's Kalobeyei settlement allows refugees to build their own homes with materials bought from the local community.

27 Aug 2019

Yemenis' battle to survive deepens as conflict grinds on

Nearly four years of war have left 24.1 million children, women and men in urgent need of food, shelter, medical care and schooling.

26 Feb 2019

Syrian family among millions relying on aid to survive winter

In northern Jordan, Syrian refugee Hilal relies on assistance to get his family through the harsh winter, with millions more in the region needing similar help.

20 Dec 2018