Innovative 'keyhole' gardens help refugees improve their nutrition

A unique yet simple approach to growing vegetables is diversifying refugees' diets in Tanzania's refugee camps.

16 Oct 2020

COVID-19 inducing 'widespread despair' among refugees, UNHCR appeals for urgent support for mental health

10 Oct 2020

Seven-month ordeal at sea takes toll on Rohingya refugees in Indonesia

15 Sep 2020

Refugee community networks help detect COVID-19 in Ecuador

1 Sep 2020

Nicaraguan refugee heals wounds of persecution in Costa Rica

For Catalina, seeking medical care in Nicaragua was too risky. In Costa Rica it was unaffordable – until she became one of 6,000 refugees given access to the public health care system.

25 Aug 2020

Brazil field hospital a life saver for indigenous stricken by COVID-19

Native people are among the hardest hit by coronavirus. A field hospital in Boa Vista is helping save their lives.

8 Aug 2020

Refugee health workers lead COVID-19 battle in Bangladesh camps

Trained community health workers – all of them Rohingya refugees – refer suspected COVID-19 patients in the settlements for testing and care.

24 Jul 2020

UNHCR helps re-open health centre during lockdown in Libya

With new equipment and training, the facility provides free healthcare and protection services to a population of 30,000 – including Libyans, refugees and migrants.

16 Jul 2020

Seven refugees making a difference during the time of COVID-19

By producing soap, treating the sick and shopping for the vulnerable, these refugees from around the world are taking action to fight the coronavirus.

19 Jun 2020