
For survivors of childhood sexual violence, a second chance in Colombia

Since it opened its doors 32 years ago, Fundación Renacer has worked to give children and teens who have endured sexual violence the tools they need to rebuild their lives.

28 Sep 2020

In South Africa's COVID-19 lockdown, women refugee entrepreneurs struggle

As the nationwide lockdown continues, women, including refugees, strive to provide for their families.

28 Sep 2020

UNHCR wins €1m prize for novel water tech in refugee camps

Affordable high-tech system allowing real-time monitoring of water provision and use in refugee settlements claims prestigious European Commission innovation prize.

24 Sep 2020

Massive floods in Sudan impact thousands of refugees

South Sudanese refugees remain in urgent need of support after heavy rains and floods damage their shelters.

24 Sep 2020

Don't let COVID-19 pandemic derail refugee education

As UN General Assembly meets virtually, footballer Mohamed Salah, educator Mary Maker and UNHCR chief Filippo Grandi urge world to safeguard refugee education.

23 Sep 2020

UNHCR names Nansen Refugee Award regional winners

The everyday heroes from Africa, Asia, Europe and the Middle East are being honoured for their outstanding humanitarian work.

21 Sep 2020

Activist turns adversity into a fresh start for refugee women

Congolese rights activist Sabuni Francoise Chikunda is the regional winner for Africa for the UNHCR Nansen Refugee Award for her work with fellow refugees in Uganda.

21 Sep 2020

Activist champions rights of people with disabilities in Ukraine

Tetiana Barantsova named regional winner for Europe for the UNHCR Nansen Refugee Award.

21 Sep 2020

Jordanian scientist finds winning formula to get kids reading

Rana Dajani is regional winner for MENA of the UNHCR Nansen Refugee Award for her programme to get children reading for pleasure, that has since gone global.

21 Sep 2020