Eradication of Statelessness in the East and Horn of Africa, and the Great Lakes Region
statelessness in the great lakes region
Eradication of statelessness in the East and Horn of Africa, and the Great Lakes Region

The boundaries and names shown and the designations used on this map do not imply official endorsement or acceptance by the United Nations

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    ICGLR sur l'apatridie: déclaration des médias

    La ICGLR, avec le soutien du HCR, fait un pas significatif vers l'éradication de l'apatridie dans la région des Grands Lacs
    Published: 11 November 2020 (1 day ago)
    Uploaded: 12 November 2020 (13 hours ago)
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    ICGLR sobre apatridia: declaração à mídia

    O ICGLR, com o apoio do ACNUR, dá um passo significativo para a erradicação da apatridia na região dos Grandes Lagos
    Published: 11 November 2020 (1 day ago)
    Uploaded: 12 November 2020 (13 hours ago)
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    ICGLR on statelessness: Media statement

    The ICGLR with support from UNHCR takes a meaningful step toward eradicating statelessness in the Great Lakes Region
    Published: 11 November 2020 (1 day ago)
    Uploaded: 12 November 2020 (13 hours ago)
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    Atlas of the stateless

    Atlas of the stateless
    Published: 31 October 2020 (12 days ago)
    Uploaded: 12 November 2020 (10 hours ago)
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    One page summary of the Reset Strategy of Protection and Solutions Strategy 2018-2020, UNHCR Sudan.
    Published: 1 October 2020 (1 month ago)
    Uploaded: 25 October 2020 (18 days ago)
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    UNHCR Dashboard #2: Impact of COVID-19 on the protection of displaced and stateless populations in West and Central Africa

    For more information, you may consult UNHCR’s Note on the Impact of COVID 19 on the protection of displaced and stateless populations in West and Central Africa
    Published: 13 May 2020 (5 months ago)
    Uploaded: 13 May 2020 (5 months ago)
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    UNHCR Regional Update - South Sudan Situation December 2019

    Regional Update
    Published: 1 February 2020 (9 months ago)
    Uploaded: 7 February 2020 (9 months ago)
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    Consolidated Action Plan of ICGLR on the eradication of statelessness in the Great Lakes (2017-2024) -Arabic version

    يعاني ملايين الأشخاص عالمياً من حالة إنعدام الجنسية أو يواجهون خطر التعرض لها ، بمن فيهم كثيرون بمنطقة البحيرات العظمى ، مما يحرمهم من التمتع بكامل حقوقهم الإنسانية. وتُعد الثغرات الموجودة بالقوانين و...
    Published: 17 January 2020 (9 months ago)
    Uploaded: 12 November 2020 (12 hours ago)
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    A Study of Statelessness in South Sudan, UNHCR, 2017

    A Study of Statelessness in South Sudan, UNHCR, 2017
    Published: 29 May 2018 (2 years ago)
    Uploaded: 30 May 2018 (2 years ago)
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    Citizenship Law in Africa: A Comparative Study

    3rd edition (2016)
    Published: 1 January 2016 (4 years ago)
    Uploaded: 19 April 2018 (2 years ago)
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    The Right to Nationality in Africa

    African Commission on Human and Peoples’ Rights
    Published: 1 January 2015 (5 years ago)
    Uploaded: 26 March 2018 (2 years ago)
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    Le droit à la nationalité en Afrique

    Commission Africaine des Droits de l’Homme et des Peuples
    Published: 1 January 2015 (5 years ago)
    Uploaded: 26 March 2018 (2 years ago)
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    Les lois sur la nationalité en Afrique : Une étude comparée

    2eme edition (2010)
    Published: 1 January 2010 (10 years ago)
    Uploaded: 19 April 2018 (2 years ago)
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    UNHCR Dashboard #2: Impact of COVID-19 on the protection of displaced and stateless populations in West and Central Africa

    For more information, you may consult UNHCR’s Note on the Impact of COVID 19 on the protection of displaced and stateless populations in West and Central Africa
    Published: 13 May 2020 (5 months ago)
    Uploaded: 13 May 2020 (5 months ago)
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    UNHCR Chad Factsheet August 2018

    UNHCR Key Facts & Updates as of August 31 2018
    Published: 25 September 2018 (2 years ago)
    Uploaded: 25 September 2018 (2 years ago)
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    HCR RDC - Résultats du profilage des expulsés d’Angola au 28 juin 2019

    Résultats du profilage des expulsés d’Angola en RDC, au 28 juin 2019.
    Published: 28 June 2019 (1 year ago)
    Uploaded: 7 August 2019 (1 year ago)
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    Democratic Republic of the Congo Funding Update - 21 May 2019

    Funding update on UNHCR's operations in DRC, as of 21 May 2019.
    Published: 21 May 2019 (1 year ago)
    Uploaded: 23 May 2019 (1 year ago)
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    Democratic Republic of the Congo Funding Update - 7 May 2019

    Funding update on UNHCR's operations in DRC, as of 7 May 2019.
    Published: 7 May 2019 (1 year ago)
    Uploaded: 23 May 2019 (1 year ago)
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    Democratic Republic of the Congo Funding Update - 30 April 2019

    Funding update on UNHCR's operations in DRC, as of 30 April 2019.
    Published: 30 April 2019 (1 year ago)
    Uploaded: 9 May 2019 (1 year ago)
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    Democratic Republic of the Congo Funding Update - 2 April 2019

    Funding update on UNHCR's operations in DRC, as of 2 April 2019.
    Published: 4 April 2019 (1 year ago)
    Uploaded: 4 April 2019 (1 year ago)
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    Democratic Republic of the Congo Funding Update - 20 March 2019

    Funding update for the DRC as of 20 March 2019.
    Published: 20 March 2019 (1 year ago)
    Uploaded: 3 April 2019 (1 year ago)
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    Democratic Republic of the Congo Funding Update - 25 February 2019

    Funding update on UNHCR's operations in DRC, as of 25 February 2019.
    Published: 25 February 2019 (1 year ago)
    Uploaded: 3 April 2019 (1 year ago)
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    Democratic Republic of the Congo Funding Update - 6 February 2019

    Funding update on UNHCR's operations in DRC, as of 6 February 2019.
    Published: 6 February 2019 (1 year ago)
    Uploaded: 3 April 2019 (1 year ago)
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    Democratic Republic of the Congo Funding Update - 22 January 2019

    Funding update on UNHCR's operations in DRC, as of 22 January 2019.
    Published: 22 January 2019 (1 year ago)
    Uploaded: 3 April 2019 (1 year ago)
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    UNHCR DRC At A Glance - June 2019

    A map of UNHCR in DRC as of 30 June 2019.
    Published: 30 June 2019 (1 year ago)
    Uploaded: 22 July 2019 (1 year ago)
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    ICGLR sur l'apatridie: déclaration des médias

    La ICGLR, avec le soutien du HCR, fait un pas significatif vers l'éradication de l'apatridie dans la région des Grands Lacs
    Published: 11 November 2020 (1 day ago)
    Uploaded: 12 November 2020 (13 hours ago)
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    ICGLR sobre apatridia: declaração à mídia

    O ICGLR, com o apoio do ACNUR, dá um passo significativo para a erradicação da apatridia na região dos Grandes Lagos
    Published: 11 November 2020 (1 day ago)
    Uploaded: 12 November 2020 (13 hours ago)
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    ICGLR on statelessness: Media statement

    The ICGLR with support from UNHCR takes a meaningful step toward eradicating statelessness in the Great Lakes Region
    Published: 11 November 2020 (1 day ago)
    Uploaded: 12 November 2020 (13 hours ago)
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    COMMUNIQUE DE PRESSE: Les Etats membres de la Communauté Economique et Monétaire de l’Afrique Centrale (CEMAC) et Etats partenaires concluen...

    Communiqué de presse conjoint CEMAC-HCR
    Published: 13 December 2018 (1 year ago)
    Uploaded: 20 December 2018 (1 year ago)
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    PRESS RELEASE: New Report Warns Large Population in East Africa At Risk of Statelessness

    UNHCR Press Release
    Published: 23 November 2018 (1 year ago)
    Uploaded: 23 November 2018 (1 year ago)
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    Les Etats membres de la CIRGL concluent leur premier atelier régional sur l'éradication de l'apatridie

    Communiqué de presse conjoint CIRGL - HCR
    Published: 1 May 2018 (2 years ago)
    Uploaded: 23 May 2018 (2 years ago)
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    Os Estados-Membros da CIRGL terminaram o 1o Workshop Regional sobre a Erradicação da Apatridia na Região dos Grandes Lagos

    Comunicado de Imprensa Conjunto
    Published: 1 May 2018 (2 years ago)
    Uploaded: 23 May 2018 (2 years ago)
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    ICGLR Member States conclude first regional workshop on the eradication of statelessness

    Joint ICGLR - UNHCR Press Release
    Published: 1 May 2018 (2 years ago)
    Uploaded: 23 May 2018 (2 years ago)
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    Nairobi Appeal for regional coordination to eradicate statelessness in the East African Community

    December 2017
    Published: 1 December 2017 (2 years ago)
    Uploaded: 19 April 2018 (2 years ago)
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    Nairobi Appeal for regional coordination to eradicate statelessness in the East African Community

    NGO Coalition launch press release
    Published: 1 December 2017 (2 years ago)
    Uploaded: 25 October 2018 (2 years ago)
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    7th Ordinary Smmit of ICGLR Heads of State and Government

    Press Release
    Published: 19 October 2017 (3 years ago)
    Uploaded: 26 March 2018 (2 years ago)
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    Statelessness and Citizenship in the East African Community

    A Study by Bronwen Manby for UNHCR
    Published: 30 September 2018 (2 years ago)
    Uploaded: 14 November 2018 (1 year ago)
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    Apatridie et Nationalité dans la Communauté de l’Afrique de l’Est

    Une étude de Bronwen Manby pour l’UNHCR
    Published: 30 September 2018 (2 years ago)
    Uploaded: 10 April 2019 (1 year ago)
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    Observation Générale sur l’Article 6 de la Charte Africaine des Droits et du Bien-être de l’Enfant, Comité Africain d’Experts sur les Droits...

    Comité Africain d’Experts sur les Droits et le Bien-être de l’Enfant
    Published: 1 January 2014 (6 years ago)
    Uploaded: 26 March 2018 (2 years ago)
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    General Comment No. 2 on Article 6 of the ACRWC: "The Right to a Name, Registration at Birth, and to Acquire a Nationality," African Committ...

    The African Committee of Experts on the Rights and Welfare of the Child
    Published: 1 January 2014 (6 years ago)
    Uploaded: 26 March 2018 (2 years ago)
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    A community-based practitioner's guide to documenting citizenship and other forms of legal identity

    Guidance on paralegal assistance and data-driven advocacy for accessing civil status and nationality documentation
    Published: 27 June 2018 (2 years ago)
    Uploaded: 16 August 2018 (2 years ago)
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    Global Action Plan to End Statelessness

    Published: 30 November 2014 (5 years ago)
    Uploaded: 21 February 2017 (3 years ago)
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    Plan d'Action global visant à mettre fin à l'apatridie

    Published: 30 November 2014 (5 years ago)
    Uploaded: 21 February 2017 (3 years ago)
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    UNHCR DRC Operational Update - July 2019

    An update on UNHCR's operations in the DRC
    Published: 31 July 2019 (1 year ago)
    Uploaded: 26 September 2019 (1 year ago)
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    HCR RDC Mise à Jour Opérationnelle - Juin 2019

    Une mise à jour sur les opérations du HCR en RDC.
    Published: 30 June 2019 (1 year ago)
    Uploaded: 7 August 2019 (1 year ago)
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    UNHCR DRC Operational Update - June 2019

    An update on UNHCR's operations in the DRC
    Published: 30 June 2019 (1 year ago)
    Uploaded: 7 August 2019 (1 year ago)
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    HCR RDC Mise à Jour Opérationnelle - Avril 2019

    Une mise à jour sur les opérations du HCR en RDC.
    Published: 30 April 2019 (1 year ago)
    Uploaded: 14 June 2019 (1 year ago)
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    UNHCR Regional Update - South Sudan Situation December 2019

    Regional Update
    Published: 1 February 2020 (9 months ago)
    Uploaded: 7 February 2020 (9 months ago)
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    UNHCR Regional Update-DRC Situation-July 2019

    An update on the situation of DRC refugees and UNHCR’s operations in the region.
    Published: 31 July 2019 (1 year ago)
    Uploaded: 9 September 2019 (1 year ago)
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    Atlas of the stateless

    Atlas of the stateless
    Published: 31 October 2020 (12 days ago)
    Uploaded: 12 November 2020 (10 hours ago)
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    One page summary of the Reset Strategy of Protection and Solutions Strategy 2018-2020, UNHCR Sudan.
    Published: 1 October 2020 (1 month ago)
    Uploaded: 25 October 2020 (18 days ago)
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    Consolidated Action Plan of ICGLR on the eradication of statelessness in the Great Lakes (2017-2024) -Arabic version

    يعاني ملايين الأشخاص عالمياً من حالة إنعدام الجنسية أو يواجهون خطر التعرض لها ، بمن فيهم كثيرون بمنطقة البحيرات العظمى ، مما يحرمهم من التمتع بكامل حقوقهم الإنسانية. وتُعد الثغرات الموجودة بالقوانين و...
    Published: 17 January 2020 (9 months ago)
    Uploaded: 12 November 2020 (12 hours ago)
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    Plano de Acção Consolidado da CIRGL sobre a erradicação da apatridia dos Grandes Lagos ( 2017-2024) - versão Portuguesa

    A escala mundial, há milhares de pessoas incluindo um número significativo de indivíduos na região dos Grandes Lagos que são apátridas ou em risco de apatridia o que não os permite gozarem plenamente ...
    Published: 17 January 2020 (9 months ago)
    Uploaded: 12 November 2020 (11 hours ago)
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    Plan d’Action Consolidé de la CIRGL sur l’éradication de l’apatridie dans les Grands Lacs ( 2017-2024) – version en français

    A l’échelle mondiale, plusieurs millions de personnes, y compris un nombre significatif d’individus dans la région des Grands Lacs sont apatrides ou sont à risque d’apatridie. Ces derniers ne peuvent ...
    Published: 10 January 2020 (10 months ago)
    Uploaded: 12 November 2020 (11 hours ago)
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    UNHCR DRC - Protection Strategy for IDP Response in DRC

    UNHCR protection strategy for Internally Displaced Persons response in the Democratic Republic of the Congo
    Published: 11 July 2019 (1 year ago)
    Uploaded: 25 July 2019 (1 year ago)
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    Initiative de N’Djaména pour l’éradication de l’apatridie en Afrique centrale

    Initiative lancée à N’Djaména à l’occasion de l’atelier régional sur l’apatridie organisé par la Commission de la Communauté Economique et Monétaire de l’Afrique Centrale (CEMAC), avec l’appui du Haut...
    Published: 12 December 2018 (1 year ago)
    Uploaded: 14 December 2018 (1 year ago)
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    N’Djamena Initiative on the Eradication of Statelessness in Central Africa

    Initiative agreed in N’Djaména at the regional statelessness workshop organised by the Economic and Monetary Community of Central Africa (CEMAC), with the support of the United Nations High Commission...
    Published: 12 December 2018 (1 year ago)
    Uploaded: 27 December 2018 (1 year ago)
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    A community-based practitioner's guide to documenting citizenship and other forms of legal identity

    Guidance on paralegal assistance and data-driven advocacy for accessing civil status and nationality documentation
    Published: 27 June 2018 (2 years ago)
    Uploaded: 16 August 2018 (2 years ago)
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    UNHCR DRC Operational Update - May 2019

    An update on UNHCR's operations in the DRC
    Published: 31 May 2019 (1 year ago)
    Uploaded: 8 July 2019 (1 year ago)
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    HCR RDC Mise à Jour Opérationnelle - Mai 2019

    Une mise à jour sur les opérations du HCR en RDC.
    Published: 31 May 2019 (1 year ago)
    Uploaded: 8 July 2019 (1 year ago)
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    UNHCR DRC Operational Update - December 2018

    An update on UNHCR's operations in the DRC
    Published: 29 January 2019 (1 year ago)
    Uploaded: 29 January 2019 (1 year ago)
  •   Highlights
    UN Refugee Chief welcomes South Sudan’s government of national unity: UN High Commissioner for Refugees Filippo Grandi welcomes the formation of a long-awaited unity government in South Sudan, bringing political rivals together to work for lasting peace. The new government follows the ‘Revitalised agreement on the resolution of the conflict in the Republic of South Sudan’ signed in September 2018 by South Sudan’s warring parties The two main parties have agreed to join forces in running the conflict-affected nation and ending their years old differences. “The new government revives hope for a peaceful future for the people of South Sudan, who are suffering the consequences of this prolonged conflict,” High Commissioner Grandi said. “Millions of South Sudanese – including refugees and internally displaced people, deserve to see an end to their miseries.” This peace agreement has brought hope to the world’s youngest nation, which remains Africa’s largest humanitarian and refugee crisis with 2.2 million South Sudanese refugees and 1.46 million internally displaced. UNHCR is extending its support to South Sudan and its people in their endeavours to find peace and stability.
    22 Feb 2020
    Regional Statelessness Event
      External Links
    The ICGLR with support from UNHCR takes a meaningful step toward eradicating statelessness in the Great Lakes Region
    The ICGLR with support from UNHCR takes a meaningful step toward eradicating statelessness in the Great Lakes Region
    La #Commission de la #CEMAC et le #HCR, l’Agence des Nations-Unies pour les Réfugiés organisent du 11 au 12 décembre 2018 à N’Djamena, un atelier régional sur l'éradication de l'apatridie et l'accès à la documentation pour tous dans la sous-région CEMAC
    Meeting of the Extraordinary Session of the Specialised Technical Committee (STC) on Migration, Refugees and Internally Displaced Persons, 29 October - 3 November 2018, Malabo, Equatorial Guinea
    Civil Society Resources
    Nubian Community in Kenya v. Kenya
    Children of Nubian Descent in Kenya v. Kenya
    Citizenship Rights in Africa Initiative (en français)
    Citizenship Rights in Africa Initiative
    High Level Segment on Statelessness
    Dedicated website on HLS with specific tools.
    Ending Statelessness
    UNHCR multimedia
    UNHCR helps document internally displaced people at risk of statelessness
    Preventing statelessness in South Sudan
    « J’ai l’impression de renaître» : la citoyenneté apporte un nouvel espoir à une minorité apatride au Kenya
    ‘I feel like I am born again’: citizenship brings hope to stateless minority in Kenya
    Stateless people know where they belong
    Kenya’s stateless Makonde people finally obtain papers
    Birth registration drive combats statelessness among Kenya’s coastal Pemba community
    The Makonde: From statelessness to citizenship in Kenya
    The Shona: A stateless community in Kenya yearning to gain citizenship
    Birth registration: the first step in ending statelessness

    The ICGLR with support from UNHCR takes a meaningful step toward eradicating statelessness in the Great Lakes Region

    UNHCR Regional Bureau, Nairobi, Benedicte Voos,, +254 742 983 739, 11 Nov 2020

    The International Conference on the Great Lakes Region (ICGLR) have taken a significant step toward eradicating statelessness within the Great Lakes Region as UNHCR marks the 6th anniversary of the Global Campaign to End Statelessness by 2024. During the Regional Inter-Ministerial Committee meeti... Read more


    Glimmer of hope for the Shona community living in Kenya

    UNHCR Kenya, 25 Apr 2019

    A ministerial conference on the Eradication of Statelessness in the Great Lakes Region was held in Nairobi from 16-18 April 2019, with participants drawn from 12 Member States from the International Conference on the Great Lakes Region (ICGLR). The event that was co-organised by Government of Kenya’... Read more


    Eradication de l'apatridie: validation sous peu du plan national 2019-2024

    Agence d'Information d'Afrique Centrale, 28 Jan 2019

    Le document sera bientôt entériné par le Congo et l’agence pays du Haut-commissariat des Nations unies pour les réfugiés (HCR). L’adoption du plan national 2019-2024 pour l'éradication de l'apatridie va traduire la volonté du gouvernement congolais à poursuivre ses efforts déjà accomplis et à re... Read more


    Congo-ONU : le système des Nations unies veut que l’Etat accélère l’enregistrement des naissances

    Agence d'Information d'Afrique Centrale, 10 Jan 2019

    La représentante de l’Unicef au Congo, Micaela Marques de Sousa, a renouvelé, du 9 au 10 janvier à Brazzaville, leur engagement à accompagner le gouvernement dans la mise en œuvre des stratégies d’accélération d’enregistrement de naissances à l’échelle nationale. Le fonctionnaire onusien a réaffi... Read more


    Lutte contre l'apatridie : Les pays de la CEMAC conjuguent leurs efforts

    L'Info (N°718 du 13 au 16 décembre 2018), 13 Dec 2018

    La commission de la Communauté économique et monétaire de l'Afrique Centrale (CEMAC), le Haut commissariat des nations unies pour les réfugiés (HCR) et le gouvernement du Tchad ont organisé les 11 et 12 décembre 2018 à l'hôtel Ledger Plaza un atelier de sensibilisation sur l'éradication de l'apatrid... Read more