Roland Schönbauer


UNHCR Snr Ext Rels/Coms O w/ . Development, Strategy, Partnerships. Photographer.15 yrs i journalism. Awards in 📷, .Views mine,RT≠endorsemt

Planet Earth
Joined May 2016


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  1. Pinned Tweet
    Jun 22

    Irgendwo hab ich gelesen, eine Massenbewegung via Mittelmeer wie 2015 drohe gerade.Empfehle 2015: 1,015.000 2018 (hochgerechnet): 83.000. Ein Zwölftel. Was droht: mehr Tote mangels ausreichend regulärer, sicherer Routen f

  2. Jun 27

    "Some are more privileged than others, but with that privilege comes a responsibility to do more." -

  3. Jun 27

    Rescue at sea deadlock must end now! Joint appeal 🔊 + to summit:Manage +migration policies AND uphold /international standards! 🔎📃

  4. Jun 27

    Algunas propuestas como tratar a la gente q se ve forzada a cruzar el la politizan y deshumanizan. ¿Por qué se estarán creando emergencias artificiales de ping-pong de humanos? Reciclando una viñeta tristemente actual de

  5. Jun 27

    . Important report, but why "post conflict" ?? There are several conflicts going on, incl on forests, that displace thousands, ppls. Post peace deal?

  6. Jun 27

    Wondering what this talk about a on is about? Here is the final draft for a new deal, with more partners than ever:

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  7. Jun 27

    Deutschland ist draußen. Warum die Aufregung? War vor 3 Wo.klar.. thread!

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  8. Jun 27
  9. Jun 27

    Responsibility to respect obligations under refugee law lies w/states. This has to be clear, the other actors can support, but not substitute." - abt global compact w/new corporate partners etc.

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  10. Jun 27

    ask : How can we get beyond ? "We have 2 move 2 an inclusive approach, give them freedom of movement, that can go 2 national schools. The compact mobilizes resources for this"

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  11. Jun 27

    Why all the delays in of the most vulnerable ? "The bottleneck is often bureaucracy". - abt security clearance etc.

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  12. Jun 27

    It is abt giving space, abt empowering national civil societies"- 's vision 4

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  13. Retweeted

    "NGOs + civil society are lifeblood of the response to displacement and statelessness, and for UNHCR our enduring natural partners" -- at Follow the conversation live:

  14. Jun 27

    "Humanitarian responses are not sufficient in poor countries w/large nrs of . "- . Investments in , too, needed. @UNHCRngos

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  15. Jun 27

    Poor countries face bigger challenges."- . Global refugee compact will try to provide more strategic support. " is crucial." @unhcrngos

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  16. Jun 27

    There is no refugee crisis in or other parts where some scream and shout"- w/ . Most displaced ppl live in poor countries @

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  17. Jun 27

    Putting people first, this yr's theme, is not a given in some political discussions. For it means: We consult as it is abt them.

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  18. Jun 27

    Consulting civil society & building new alliances 4 displaced ppl. Yr dedication is our inspiration!

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  19. Jun 27

    . Get refugees out of camps (or avoid them in the 1st place)! That's what also paid off for the hosts in other parts of the world, e.g. the Americas, Greece (our appartments).

  20. Jun 27

    And now back to a real challenge - relocating families in to areas where they are safe from landslide. A race against the clock. Photo by our Site planner fr standby partner SDC, the Swiss Agency f

  21. Jun 26

    Extremely instructive report abt th Fund 🔹What we did w/th donations 4 + & where 🔹Delighted to see the light blue bar -where host , too, benefited 🔹 new nr 1 via

    , , and 2 others

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