Report on use of flexible funding in 2019

People of concern to UNHCR continued to face new and protracted displacement, with some protracted displacement crises entering their fourth decade, and in places a third generation born into displacement.

The operational environment facing UNHCR and its partners in 2019 was a complex one as they worked to come to the assistance of refugees and asylum-seekers, returnees, stateless persons, internally displaced people, and others of concern.

Throughout the year, UNHCR worked to safeguard fundamental rights, respond with lifesaving support, and built better futures for people of concern.

Flexible funding—meaning that which was unearmarked, softly earmarked, and particularly multi-year funding—was one of the most important resources at UNHCR’s disposal. These funds were critical throughout the year, particularly flexible at the beginning and end of the year, as they provided the bedrock of UNHCR’s humanitarian and solutions work worldwide, enabling it to meet the needs of people of concern.

This report acknowledges the generosity of those donors which provided UNHCR with flexible funding. It goes into detail and adds depth on how UNHCR used this valuable funding to kick-start emergency responses, to bolster underfunded operations, and to enable operations to implement their programmes as fully as possible.

Latest contributions
  • 10-NOV-2020
    United States of America

    private donors

  • 03-NOV-2020
  • 02-NOV-2020
    United Arab Emirates

    private donors

  • 31-OCT-2020

    private donors

  • Switzerland

    private donors

  • United Arab Emirates

    private donors

  • Spain

    private donors

  • 30-OCT-2020
    Czech Republic
  • Denmark
  • Republic of Korea

    private donors

  • Philippines

    private donors

  • Thailand

    private donors

  • France

    private donors

  • Malaysia

    private donors

  • Italy

    private donors

  • Canada

    private donors

  • Greece

    private donors

  • Netherlands
  • United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

    private donors

  • Brazil

    private donors
