South Sudan 2018 Supplementary Appeal

A total of USD 841.4 million* requested for the period January ‐ December 2018, including:
         - 2.6 million for Central African Republic
         - 26.4 million for the DRC
         - 173.1 million for Ethiopia
         - 44 million for Kenya
         - 155.3 million for South Sudan
         - 139.3 million for Sudan
         - 295.5 million for Uganda

         - 2.8 million for HQ & Regional Coordination


* This total includes support costs (7%)

Read the entire Supplementary Appeal and access the Latest Updates on the South Sudan Situation

The refugee exodus from South Sudan continues at an alarming rate, even as the crisis is entering its fifth year. Close to 2.4 million South Sudanese have fled to neighbouring countries mostly to Uganda—the largest host country in sub-Saharan Africa—followed by Sudan, Ethiopia, Kenya, the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) and the Central African Republic (CAR). Refugees from South Sudan have been granted prima facie refugee status by these countries, demonstrating strong commitment to refugee protection despite limited national resources. While South Sudan’s neighbours have generously upheld their responsibility to provide asylum and assistance to refugees, urgent large-scale support is needed for the refugee response.

With the current levels of violence in South Sudan, displacement trends are expected to be high both within the country and across the area covered by the situation. UNHCR expects that the influx into neighbouring countries will continue and that an estimated 571,000 additional people will likely seek refuge. This would bring the estimated South Sudanese refugee population to 3.1 million—an increase of 18 per cent—by the end of December 2018. This population is urgently in need of protection, shelter and medical care. In South Sudan itself, some two million IDPs and 307,000 non-South Sudanese refugees are expected to be in need of assistance. This would bring the total number of people of concern to UNHCR in South Sudan to 2.3 million by the end of December 2018.


Latest contributions
  • 10-NOV-2020
    United States of America

    private donors

  • 03-NOV-2020
  • 02-NOV-2020
    United Arab Emirates

    private donors

  • 31-OCT-2020

    private donors

  • Switzerland

    private donors

  • United Arab Emirates

    private donors

  • Spain

    private donors

  • 30-OCT-2020
    Czech Republic
  • Denmark
  • Republic of Korea

    private donors

  • Philippines

    private donors

  • Thailand

    private donors

  • France

    private donors

  • Malaysia

    private donors

  • Italy

    private donors

  • Canada

    private donors

  • Greece

    private donors

  • Netherlands
  • United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

    private donors

  • Brazil

    private donors
