Burundi 2020 Regional Refugee Response Plan

The revised 2019-2020 Burundi Regional Refugee Response Plan (Regional RRP) outlines the multi-agency response strategy and financial requirements of 37 partners supporting host governments to provide protection and assistance across the four main countries of asylum, as well as in Burundi for returning refugees. The updated plan continues to take a comprehensive and solutions-oriented approach and includes the impact on host communities.

While Country Refugee Response Plans (Country RRP), which articulate the multi-agency response for all refugee populations at the country level, continue to be emphasized, this Regional RRP presents a coherent approach to the Burundi refugee situation and summarizes the pertinent elements of the relevant Country RRPs.

With the significant number of refugee returns to Burundi in the last several years, especially from Tanzania, the updated 2019- 2020 Regional RRP also summarizes the Joint Refugee Return and Reintegration Plan (JRRRP) developed by interagency partners in Burundi, which is also updated for 2020.

Read the entire Regional Refugee Response Plan here.

Latest contributions
  • 10-NOV-2020
    United States of America

    private donors

  • 03-NOV-2020
  • 02-NOV-2020
    United Arab Emirates

    private donors

  • 31-OCT-2020

    private donors

  • Switzerland

    private donors

  • United Arab Emirates

    private donors

  • Spain

    private donors

  • 30-OCT-2020
    Czech Republic
  • Denmark
  • Republic of Korea

    private donors

  • Philippines

    private donors

  • Thailand

    private donors

  • France

    private donors

  • Malaysia

    private donors

  • Italy

    private donors

  • Canada

    private donors

  • Greece

    private donors

  • Netherlands
  • United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

    private donors

  • Brazil

    private donors
