Give Zakat

Refugees need you
They lost everything. And they need all of our support.


Refugees need you
They lost everything. And they need all of our support.

In the time it took you to read this sentence, three people were forced to abandon everything and flee their homes in search of safety. In 2017, war, violence, and persecution drove more people from their homes than ever before. 19.1 million people became refugees or were displaced. That means tens of thousands of people fleeing for their lives. Every. Day.
“My message to the world is I don’t want to be a refugee,” says Mutaybatu, who fled Myanmar when her husband was murdered, after enduring years of persecution.
“I want us to be able to go back to our home, but I want to be assured of safety and to live in peace.”
We are at a watershed, and we desperately need your help. We have stretched our resources to help more people than ever before. From Syria to Rohingya, Iraq to South Sudan, we are working around the clock to extend our lifesaving aid to the millions of people who have nowhere else to turn.

Please join us. Give Now

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