
The Global Refugee Forum - how can you help refugees?

At the Global Refugee Forum countries, companies and a range of other actors will make their pledge to help refugees. So what can you do? As an individual there are a number of actions you can take.

10 Dec 2019

Cash assistance gives refugees the power of choice

UNHCR is expanding cash-based assistance so that the millions of people that it serves can meet their needs in dignity, are protected and can become more resilient.

9 Dec 2019

Turkey scholarship lets star Syrian student pursue dentistry dream

After fleeing Aleppo in 2013, Sidra's dream of studying dentistry became a reality thanks to her own determination and Turkey's support for refugee higher education.

8 Dec 2019

US producer helps Syrian singer give voice to her dreams

An American music producer has traveled to Lebanon to record an album with refugees, giving them a platform to share their feelings and experiences.

6 Dec 2019

Displaced Central Africans wait for life to begin again

UN High Commissioner for Refugees Filippo Grandi listens to internally displaced people in Bambari and calls for a redoubled effort to help them go home.

4 Dec 2019

'Hello Soho, this is Erbil calling': Bringing refugee stories into the classroom  

A new programme enables refugees from around the world to talk to students by video.

4 Dec 2019

A joyous return for Central African refugees after years in exile

UN High Commissioner for Refugees Filippo Grandi greets a fourth group of refugees returning to the Central African Republic.

3 Dec 2019

Taking on traffickers at the world's largest refugee site

UNHCR works closely with Bangladesh authorities to protect vulnerable Rohingya refugees from abduction and human trafficking at Kutupalong refugee settlement.

2 Dec 2019

Returning to ruins, displaced Iraqi farmers find help to rebuild

Displaced for two years following ISIS advance in 2014, returning Iraqis in Yathrib benefit from irrigation and home rehabilitation projects to reestablish their farms.

2 Dec 2019