ACLED (Armed Conflict Location & Event Data Project) is the most comprehensive public collection of political violence and protest data for developing states. This data and analysis project produces information on the specific dates and locations of political violence and protest, the types of event, the groups involved, fatalities, and changes in territorial control. Information is recorded on the battles, killings, riots, and recruitment activities of rebels, governments, militias, armed groups, protesters and civilians. Data can be downloaded on the Data page, trend reports, working papers and other analysis from our Publications page, updated analysis on ongoing crises is found at our Crisis Blog.

As of early 2016, ACLED has recorded over 100,000 individual events, with ongoing data collection focused on Africa and ten countries in South and Southeast Asia. The data can be used for medium- and long-term analysis and mapping of political violence across developing countries through use of historical data from 1997, as well as informing humanitarian and development work in crisis and conflict-affected contexts through realtime data updates and reports. ACLED data show that political violence rates have remained relatively stable in the past seventeen years, despite the waning of civil wars across the developing world. ACLED seeks to support research and work devoted to understanding, predicting and reducing levels of political violence.

Africa Data

ACLED (Armed Conflict Location and Event Data Project) is designed for disaggregated conflict analysis and crisis mapping. This dataset codes the dates and locations of all reported political violence events in over 50 developing countries.

Conflict Trends Reports

ACLED Conflict Trends reports are monthly updates on political violence and conflict events in African states. They are based on real-time data, and compare current trends and patterns to historical dynamics in key focus countries.


With regular updates on the ACLED Crisis Blog, ACLED analysts discuss and create maps, charts, graphs and infographics highlighting key trends and patterns in political violence across the African continent in real time.

ACLED Videos

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