UNHCR field staff and their partners should use this waste register form to keep a record of the types and quantities of waste being disposed at each landfill facility. Ideally waste management short, medium and long term strategies for different waste streams should be re-evaluated and re-organised based on the data collected from this tool.
F-503/2015a UNHCR Landfill Waste Register (UNHCR, 2015)

F-502/2015a UNHCR Solid Waste Management Action Plan Template (UNHCR, 2105)

Where required, UNHCR and WASH actors may use this template to develop a solid waste management action plan that describes a list of prioritised solid waste management activities in addition to WHO, WHAT, WHERE, WHEN and HOW they will be carried out.
F-501/2015a UNHCR Landfill Sanitary Survey Form (UNHCR, 2015)

This form can be used to assess the refugee landfill site for public health and environmental sanitary risk factors.
F-500/2015a UNHCR Solid Waste Composition Assessment Template (UNHCR, 2015)

UNHCR field staff and their partners should conduct a waste composition assessment to assess the types of waste being produced and their and rates of production. Ideally the assessment should be carried out within the first three months of a displacement emergency and then at least once a year. Waste management short, medium and long term strategies for each waste stream should be revaluated and reorganised according to the findings of this assessment.
- Tags: Environment. Categories: WASH Blank Forms, WASH Blank Forms, WASH Blank Forms, and WASH Blank Forms.
UNHCR WASH Manual – Preliminary Version (UNHCR, 2015)

The UNHCR WASH Manual is a comprehensive and authoritative reference document for WASH interventions in refugee settings, built upon the experience of UNHCR and WASH organisations.
- Tags: Bathing Facilities, Bloody Diarrhoea, Boreholes, Bulk Water Treatment, Child Friendly Facilities, Communal Toilets, Communicable Disease Control, Community Led Total Sanitation (CLTS), Cross Cutting, Desludging and Excreta Transportation, Disability, Disease Vector Control, Drainage, Drilling, Excreta / Urine ReUse, Excreta Composting, Excreta Management, Excreta Treatment, Gender, Grey Water Disposal, Hand Dug Wells, Handpumps, Handwashing with Soap, Household Toilets, Household Water Treatment, Human Right to Water / Sanitation, Hygiene Behaviour Change, Hygiene Promotion, Laundering Facilities, Malaria, Medical Waste Management, Medical Waste Management, Menstruation Hygiene Management, Piped Water Networks, Protection, Public Health, Rainwater Harvesting, Sewerage and Excreta Conveyance, Solid Waste Management, Solid Waste Management, Solid Waste Management, Solid Waste Management, Solid Waste Management, Spring Protection, WASH Assessments, WASH Assessments, WASH Assessments, WASH Assessments, WASH Coordination, WASH Monitoring, WASH Monitoring, WASH Monitoring, WASH Monitoring, WASH Programme Health and Safety, WASH Programme Management, Waste Recycling , Reuse and Reduction, Waste Recycling , Reuse and Reduction, Waste Recycling , Reuse and Reduction, Waste Recycling , Reuse and Reduction, Water Prospection and Investigation, Water Pumping, Water Quality Testing and Surveillance, Water Safety Plans, Water Storage, Water Supply, Water Tankering, and Watery Diarrhoea. Languages: English, English, English, English, and English. Organisations: UNHCR, UNHCR, UNHCR, UNHCR, and UNHCR. Categories: WASH Reference Documents, WASH Reference Documents, WASH Reference Documents, WASH Reference Documents, and WASH Reference Documents.