
Guidelines for Integrating GBV Interventions in Humanitarian Action – Essential Actions (IASC, 2015)

This document consolidates the “essential actions and minimum commitments” tables from the comprehensive Guidelines on Integrating Gender-based Violence Interventions in Humanitarian Action (“GBV Guidelines”) and each sector-specific Thematic Area Guide (TAG) into one document that can be easily downloaded and/or printed to use as a quick reference tool during the earliest stages of acute emergency response. It is meant to support, but not replace, the comprehensive Guidelines and sector-specific TAGs. These tables provide key recommendations for each thematic area. The sector-specific minimum commitments appear in bold.

OG803/2017a WASH, Protection and Accountability (UNHCR, 2017)

Publisher: UNHCR Year: 2017 Description: This document describes UNHCR’s five principles linking WASH, protection, and accountability. It highlights the protection and accountability challenges that relate to WASH issues in refugee contexts.  The document also provides case studies to high these principles in action and a checklist that can be used for safety and security.

UNHCR Global Strategy for Public Health 2014 – 2018 (UNHCR, 2014)

This document describes UNHCR’s global strategy for public health through a set of guiding principles and strategic approaches including protection; age, gender and diversity; equity; access; sustainability; community empowerment; appropriateness and reliability; partnerships and coordination; capacity building; communication and advocacy; integrated approaches; measurement and monitoring; and innovation. The document describes strategic objectives and enabling actions per sub-sector (Public Health, HIV and Reproductive Health, Food Security and Nutrition, and WASH).

UNHCR WASH Manual – Preliminary Version (UNHCR, 2015)

The UNHCR WASH Manual is a comprehensive and authoritative reference document for WASH interventions in refugee settings, built upon the experience of UNHCR and WASH organisations.

Handbook for Emergencies – Third Edition (UNHCR, 2007)

The UNHCR Handbook for Emergencies is a comprehensive and authoritative reference document for refugee settings, built upon the experience of UNHCR and partner organisations.