Publisher: UNHCR Year: 2020
WASH KAP Survey – All Modules

F-306/2019a Water Tanker Logbook Template (UNHCR, 2019)

This logbook form should be used as part of the payment justification process for water trucking in emergencies. The logbook should be kept with the vehicle at all times for spot checks and copies should be sent to UNHCR on a weekly basis for monitoring purposes.
- Tags: Water Tankering. Categories: WASH Blank Forms.
WASH KAP Survey: Analysis
Publisher: UNHCR Year: 2020 Use the KAP Mapper to analyze your data on a map.
- Categories: WASH Maps.
WASH KAP Survey: Data Collection
WASH KAP Survey: Preparation

Publisher: UNHCR Year: 2020
- Categories: Training Materials, Training Materials, Training Materials, Training Materials, Training Materials, Training Materials, WASH Indicators and Standards, WASH Indicators and Standards, WASH Indicators and Standards, WASH Indicators and Standards, WASH Indicators and Standards, and WASH Indicators and Standards.
WASH KAP Survey: Training and Piloting

Publisher: UNHCR Year: 2018
WASH KAP Survey: Getting Started

Publisher: UNHCR Year: 2017
Rapid Methods for Assessing Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) Services in Emergency Settings (UNHCR, 2017b)

This document evaluates various sampling strategies that can be used during the emergency phase to estimate the status of WASH services in refugee camps or settlements. The working paper presents the results of statistical analyses carried out on real data from Ethiopia. The objective of the study was to evaluate the suitability of different sampling approaches and sample sizes in an attempt at recommending the optimal approach during emergencies.
- Tags: Surveys, Surveys, Surveys, Surveys, and Surveys. Categories: WASH Guidelines and WASH Research Documents.
UNHCR WASH MANUAL: Programme Guidance

The UNHCR WASH Manual: Programme Guidance, provides practical guidance for WASH programmes in refugee settings.
- Tags: Camp Closure, camp management, Capacity Building, CASH Interventions, Child Friendly Facilities, Cold Climates, Cross Cutting, Disability, Environment, Gender, Gender Based Violence, Human Right to Water / Sanitation, Protection, Value for Money, WASH Assessments, WASH Assessments, WASH Assessments, WASH Assessments, WASH Assessments, WASH Assessments, WASH Assessments, WASH Coordination, WASH Monitoring, WASH Monitoring, WASH Monitoring, WASH Monitoring, WASH Monitoring, WASH Monitoring, WASH Monitoring, WASH Monitoring, WASH Programme Health and Safety, WASH Programme Management, WASH Programme Management, and WASH Strategy Development. Languages: English, English, English, English, English, English, English, English, and English. Organisations: UNHCR, UNHCR, UNHCR, UNHCR, UNHCR, UNHCR, UNHCR, UNHCR, and UNHCR. Categories: WASH Manual, WASH Operational Guidelines, WASH Policy Guidelines, WASH Reference Documents, WASH Reference Documents, WASH Reference Documents, WASH Reference Documents, WASH Reference Documents, WASH Reference Documents, WASH Reference Documents, WASH Reference Documents, and WASH Reference Documents.