
Waste-to-Value Sanitation in Kakuma Refugee Camp

In response to a call for sanitation solutions for difficult ground conditions in refugee settings, Sanivation introduced an innovative market-based solution with a waste-to-value component to Kakuma Refugee Camp in Kenya. This report examines the business model and financial model that Sanivation developed during the project and illustrates some of the real world challenges and opportunities for waste-to-value sanitation. It is hoped that the insights from this research will provide a useful reference for potential investors and entrepreneurs, as well as humanitarian practitioners looking to design self-sustaining waste-to-value sanitation services in refugee and low-resource settings in the future.

Emergency Vector Control Using Chemicals 2nd Ed. (WEDC, 2004)

This handbook has been written with the specific objective of providing practical guidance and an overview of vector control in emergency situations for relief workers and local personnel. It will enable them to develop the skills required to plan and implement a vector control project in an emergency situation, where there is a vector-borne disease epidemic, or where the risk of an epidemic is high.

    Organisations: WEDC.

WASH Webinar #2 on COVID-19 (UNHCR, 2020)

This second webinar for UNHCR Global WASH staff and partners summarizes UNHCR operational messages on WASH preparedness and response to COVID-19.