
OG803/2017a Protection et Responsabilité dans le domaine de l’EHA (UNHCR, 2017)

Ce document décrit les cinq principes du HCR liant au EHA, protection et responsabilité. Il explique problèmes de protection et de responsabilité liés aux problèmes EHA dans les contextes de réfugiés. Le document fournit également des études de cas sur l’application de ces principes et des listes de contrôle.

Interventions monétaires menées par les programmes WASH dans les camps des refugiés

Publisher: UNHCR Year: 2019 Description: Ce rapport est basé sur une analyse documentaire de données secondaires, comprenant du matériel publié et de la littérature grise, complétée par des entretiens avec des informateurs clés pour des programmes dépourvus de documentation. La première section résume l’utilisation actuelle du CBI dans la programmation WASH. La deuxième partie résume […]

F-11/2015a UNHCR WASH Universal Access Checklist (UNHCR, 2015)

This document has been designed to help UNHCR and WASH actors assess WASH infrastructure for potential access from the individual perspective of each type of vulnerable user in particular persons with disabilities, women, children, and the elderly.

UNHCR Sample ToRs for Hydrogeological Surveying (UNHCR, 2015)

These sample terms of reference may be used should WASH actors working in refugee settings with to engage the services of a Consultant to carry out hydrogeological surveys of pre-selected areas. The terms of reference cover the following areas…
Evaluating the groundwater situation based on compilation of existing relevant data (e.g. drilling logs) with additional classical hydrogeological field data collection (e.g. survey of water points, water levels, water quality) leading to the identification of favourable exploration zones
Carrying out groundwater exploratory field geophysical investigations to identify exact drilling locations, and
Supervising the drilling process and on the spot reporting on the progress.

UNHCR Global Strategy for Public Health 2014 – 2018 (UNHCR, 2014)

This document describes UNHCR’s global strategy for public health through a set of guiding principles and strategic approaches including protection; age, gender and diversity; equity; access; sustainability; community empowerment; appropriateness and reliability; partnerships and coordination; capacity building; communication and advocacy; integrated approaches; measurement and monitoring; and innovation. The document describes strategic objectives and enabling actions per sub-sector (Public Health, HIV and Reproductive Health, Food Security and Nutrition, and WASH).