Sri Lanka
Operation: Sri Lanka
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Key Figures
2020 planning figures | |
4,000 | Sri Lankan refugees assisted to return in safety and dignity |
400 | refugees have their cases submitted for resettlement consideration |
2019 planning figures | |
2,810 | refugee returnees will receive cash grants |
1,150 | households will receive multipurpose cash grants to meet basic and essential needs |
80% | of people of concern will have access to legal assistance |
People of Concern
Decrease in
2019 | 37,947 |
2018 | 42,286 |
2017 | 42,766 |

[["Refugees",1045],["Asylum-seekers",361],["IDPs",25110],["Returned IDPs",10363],["Returned refugees",1068]]
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Sri Lanka
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- 2015
- 2016
- 2017
- 2018
- 2019
- 2020
Operational environment
UNHCR will strive to maintain the protection space and pursue durable solutions for refugees and asylum-seekers in urban areas. People of concern will be registered and undergo refugee status determination (RSD) in accordance with the procedural standards. Resettlement, as a durable solution and a means to safeguard the asylum space, will continue albeit at decreasing numbers. UNCHR will also work to build the government’s ownership of asylum by providing technical support, strategic coordination, and capacity building. Advocacy for people of concern to access to public schools and work in line with the 2030 SDG Agenda, and partnerships with UN agencies, NGOs and religious groups will remain pillars of UNHCR’s community-based work. UNHCR will pursue stronger engagement of the rule of law entities, such as the Human Rights Commission and Legal Aid Commission.Key priorities
In 2019, UNHCR will focus on:- Continuing to work with the Governments of India and Sri Lanka to increase the successful voluntary return and reintegration of Sri Lankan refugees;
- Building linkages with additional partners who can incorporate urban refugees into national programmes, in light of the decreased resettlement opportunities.