Contact details
Submitted by:
Aliine Lotman, digital solutions specialist
NGO Mondo
Introduction to the project
Uganda, Jordan, Syria
2018 - ongoing
A practical and innovative Digital Competencies educational package developed in Estonia, applicable to enhance the education and livelihoods opportunities for refugees and vulnerable host communities.
Project aims
The aim of the programme is to increase the level of digital competences of refugee youth in order to improve their ability to use digital tools and online information to solve everyday problems as well as achieve their personal and professional goals, facilitate integration into the host society, and promote inclusion and equality.
Resources used
Support from private donors and from the Estonian MFA’s humanitarian aid funding enabled us to kick-start the program in different locations.
Main activities of the Good Practice
- Finn Church Aid Uganda
- Finn Church Aid Jordan
- Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Estonia
Challenges and how they were overcome
Challenges: The main challenges are technical challenges – for example, a partner school is located in an area where the network connection (3G) is very weak. Although the initial training of trainers was conducted in an area in close proximity (where the connection was sufficient), geographical elements (hills and valleys) cause the school itself to have very weak connection.
How challenges were overcome: As all partners understand the need of solving the technical challenges, they have come together to find solutions. Although some challenges remain, cooperation has enabled us to overcome some.
Results of the Good Practice
Refugees have obtained main digital competencies necessary for solving everyday problems, such as setting up a small business or staying in contact with family members left behind.
Digital competencies obtained include among others:
- Personal & professional online presence
- Safety & privacy
- Using smartphones for:
- Text editing, spreadsheets, etc.
- Product & portrait photography, photo editing
- Setting up simple websites
Next steps
The program continues to be scaled up in locations where it is currently present. Simultaneously we are open for new partners and locations to implement it.