Operation: Mexico
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Key Figures
2020 planning figures | |
75% | of social and economic integration is realized |
70% | of applicants can benefit from the status determination procedure |
60% | of people of concern access legal assistance |
30,000 | people will receive information regarding the asylum procedure and other options |
2017 year-end results | |
31,720 | individuals were informed on their right to seek asylum |
7,730 | people of concern received cash-based assistance |
5,490 | people of concern were accommodated in shelters supported by UNHCR |
1,290 | people of concern were released from detention |
Latest Updates and Related Links
People of Concern
Increase in
2019 | 291,708 |
2018 | 165,506 |
2017 | 19,398 |

[["Refugees",28533],["Asylum-seekers",69470],["Stateless",13],["Others of concern",140710],["Venezuelans displaced abroad",52982]]
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- 2015
- 2016
- 2017
- 2018
- 2019
- 2020
Working Environment
The root causes of forced displacement remain unaddressed and a significant number of people fleeing violence in the North of Central America (NCA) continue to enter Mexico. A greater number of people are likely to stay in Mexico to apply for asylum, in particular in urban areas. With a new administration having taking office on 1 December 2018, changes in policy might have an impact on UNHCR’s operational footprint in 2019.Mexico is a CRRF roll-out country, and in this regard the Government has committed to implement high standards of protection and innovative solutions for refugees. This includes strengthening the refugee status determination (RSD) procedure based on international standards and new offices of the Mexican Refugee Commission (COMAR) in regions with a high number of asylum claims; developing information campaigns about the right to seek asylum; strengthening the child protection authorities, and identifying and responding to protection needs of people of concern; promoting dialogue with other Governments in the region; implementing alternatives to detention and; supporting durable solutions, in particular local integration.
Key Priorities
In 2019, UNHCR will focus on:- Ensuring that refugees have access to territory, asylum procedures and the full range of rights. This will involve capacity-building targeting Government officials involved in RSD, providing information to people of concern, and seeking full implementation of the quality assurance mechanism;
- Addressing the increasing number of asylum-seekers in Mexico, by improving reception conditions, strengthening the capacity of partners, and by providing direct assistance through multi-purpose and sectoral cash-based interventions while refugee claims are being processed, helping to reduce the number of abandoned claims and increasing the number of people receiving refugee status.
- Implementing activities with the aim of, and advocating for, the inclusion of refugees in the national economy and public programmes and services, and in mobilizing development interventions to support these efforts, including by strengthening networks for reception with shelters, the private sector and local authorities, protection and inclusion in Central and Northern Mexico.
- Implementing community-based protection projects to increase the interaction between refugees, asylum-seekers and host communities, to prevent and reduce social tensions and to enable the identification of protection risks and opportunities through community-based networks.
- Supporting the Government with the CRRF roll-out by strategically aligning UNHCR’s actions to the Government’s commitments, providing technical support, and complementing the Government’s efforts for the protection of people of concern.
- Expanding UNHCR’s operational footprint by increasing presence in key locations to support the implementation of protection and integration activities.