New or Additional Activities - Mandate-related (NAM) Reserve
Established to facilitate the acceptance of additional funding from donors for activities consistent with the mandate and capacity of UNHCR and the broad objectives of a country operation, but for which no express budgetary provision had been made.
New York Declaration on Refugees and Migrants
In September 2016, the UN General Assembly adopted a set of commitments to enhance the protection of refugees and migrants, known as the New York Declaration on Refugees and Migrants. It outlines elements for a comprehensive response to refugee displacement based on principles of international cooperation and responsibility-sharing as well as greater inclusion of refugees into local communities.
This Comprehensive Refugee Response Framework (CRRF) is now being applied in a range of specific situations, through the mobilization of existing and new partnerships with development actors, humanitarian NGOs, the private sector and civil society under the lead of host governments. It contains four key elements aimed at providing more predictable and sustainable responses to large movements of refugees so as to:- Ease pressure on host countries.
- Enhance refugees self-reliance.
- Expand access to third-country solutions.
- Support conditions in countries of origin for return in safety and dignity for refugees.
The New York Declaration calls on UNHCR to develop and initiate the practical application of the CRRF in each situation involving large-scale movements of refugees, with a view to informing the Global Compact on Refugees, to be adopted by the General Assembly by 2018.