Operation: Morocco
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Key Figures
2020 planning figures | |
100% | of primary school-aged children will be enrolled in primary education |
100% | of refugees will have access to public primary health care |
12,275 | asylum-seekers will be registered |
2,000 | vulnerable refugee families will receive regular financial assistance |
500 | refugees will be supported in establishing their own businesses |
2018 year-end results | |
5,450 | refugees benefitted from medical assistance by UNHCR and partners |
4,410 | asylum-seeker certificates were renewed through 19 outreach missions to six cities |
2,350 | refugee children/students received cash-based assistance for their education |
2,060 | local authorities and partners reached through 43 training workshops on international protection principles |
1,300 | people with specific needs identified for referral and follow-up with partners, including unaccompanied children, women at risk, and elderly people |
120 | refugees benefited from income-generating activities through 88 micro-projects |
50 | refugees found private sector employment and 13 acquired internships |
92% | of refugee children were enrolled in primary education |
Latest Updates
People of Concern
Increase in
2019 | 9,756 |
2018 | 7,775 |
2017 | 6,779 |

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- 2015
- 2016
- 2017
- 2018
- 2019
- 2020
Operational Environment
Refugees in Morocco originate from 38 countries, with some 59 per cent from the Syrian Arab Republic. In 2019, the number of people of concern in Morocco is estimated to increase to 8,700 people, residing in 50 locations across the country. Morocco has increasingly become a place of destination for refugees and migrants.UNHCR has adopted a proactive outreach strategy consisting of: expanding cash-based interventions through the postal bank to reach the most vulnerable refugees, even in remote locations; expanding the capacity of partners and undertaking regular joint outreach missions with partners and the government to the field; organizing one-stop shops for people of concern; and engaging with and capacitating local governments, most notably the regional offices of the National Mutual Aid (Entraide Nationale), with the objective of including refugees in national social services.
The National Immigration and Asylum Policy enables refugees to enjoy protection in Morocco, including access to essential services, such as primary health-care and education. However, due to delays in extending the medical insurance scheme to refugees, gaps in access to secondary health-care remain.
Pending the submission of the draft asylum law to Parliament, UNHCR remains responsible for the registration and refugee status determination (RSD) of asylum-seekers. Those found to qualify for refugee status are referred by UNHCR to the Inter-ministerial Commission on Regularisation under the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. However, the Commission was suspended in March 2017. Without the refugee status and sojourn permit, people of concern have no access to the formal job market, which leaves them in a precarious situation.
Key priorities
In 2019, UNHCR will focus on:- Supporting the Government in the establishment of a national asylum system;
- Resuming the registration of asylum-seekers and refugee status determination procedure in collaboration with the authorities;
- Providing humanitarian aid and protection to refugees, particularly to the most vulnerable;
- pending the submission of the asylum bill to Parliament, delivering capacity-building of national institutions and civil society
- Implementing durable solutions for refugees, focusing on socio-professional integration or resettlement to a third country for the vulnerable.