Operation: Brazil
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Key Figures
2020 planning figures | |
60,000 | people of concern will be registered and receive counselling, while those with protection concerns will be referred to relevant services |
30,000 | people of concern will benefit from shelter assistance |
20,000 | people of concern will receive core relief items |
5,000 | people of concern will be relocated under various modalities, as foreseen by the Government-led emergency response programme |
3,000 | people of concern will receive cash assistance to cover basic needs |
3,000 | people of concern will participate in projects supporting increased self-reliance |
2,000 | people of concern with specific needs will be supported through targeted protection interventions |
2017 year-end results | |
95% | of people of concern have access to work opportunities with the proper documentation required by Brazilian law and job agencies |
80% | of the RSD procedures met the minimum standards advocated by UNHCR, an increase from 67% in 2016 |
70% | of people of concern were referred to competent institutions to initiate RSD procedures by border authorities |
70% | of reception condition met UNHCR’s minimum standards |
80% | of status determination procedures will meet UNHCR’s minimum procedural standards |
1,800 | people of concern registered for job placement services |
People of Concern
Increase in
2019 | 363,683 |
2018 | 203,790 |
2017 | 148,645 |

[["Refugees",32860],["Asylum-seekers",207309],["Stateless",7],["Venezuelans displaced abroad",123507]]
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- 2015
- 2016
- 2017
- 2018
- 2019
- 2020
Year-end Overview
Plan Overview
Operational Environment
Venezuelans continue to arrive in Brazil due to the on-going political and socio-economic developments in Venezuela. Some 98,000 Venezuelans are estimated to be in Brazil as of end of November 2018. Most people enter Brazil through the bordering state of Roraima, and come with urgent needs, including those for food, shelter, and health services. Brazil declared a state of emergency as a result of this humanitarian crisis, with the Federal Government implementing an open border policy and a robust emergency response for Venezuelans, including through an innovative internal relocation process to other states of the country, with the support of UNHCR and humanitarian actors.In 2018, a Federal Emergency Assistance Committee was set up and financial resources were allocated to the army to strengthen reception and admission capacity, as well as to scale up activities in the areas of health, sanitation and public security. Asylum-seekers with certificates or residence permits enjoy the right to work and have access to public services, equal to that of nationals. The Federal Government is expected to continue to engage in the humanitarian response, including in areas of reception and the provision of documentation, health and internal relocation. The Brazilian Refugee Commission (CONARE) is expected to recognize the international protection needs of Venezuelans and address the growing backlog of refugee claims of all nationalities in accordance to international standards. Brazil is also expected to deliver on its commitments for State-funded resettlement programme and a network of private sponsors for resettled refugees.
The UN Country Team Task Force for the Venezuela situation, co-led by UNHCR and IOM (known as the Task Force for the Refugee and Migrants Response Platform Brazil) now includes civil society organization as well UN Agencies and coordinates humanitarian and inter-agency efforts. At field level, working groups and other partnerships will continue to operate to strengthen the coordination at the point of delivery.
Brazil’s Multi-Year Multi-Partner (MYMP) Strategy, which currently focuses on the refugee status determination and backlog (RSD), the implementation of the Brazil Plan of Action’s Borders of Solidarity Programme, and on the promotion of effective access to public services and livelihoods opportunities, is being revised to reflect to include the latest developments in terms of emergency response and political context.
As the influx of Venezuelan remains high, Brazil is expected to ensure the emergency response to this population is sustained, refugee policies remain inclusive, and the country continues to play a leadership role in the region.
Key priorities
In 2019, UNHCR will focus on:- Providing direct emergency response, which entails ensuring effective access to the territory, timely registration/regularization/documentation, and issuance of documentation for all people of concern, in particular those entering through the state of Roraima, as well as access to basic and essential services in particular health, shelter, education and food.
- Strengthening its protection monitoring and community outreach (including communication with communities) to ensure a swift identification, referral of vulnerable groups and access to specialized services.
- Developing and improving support spaced and activities for people with specific protection needs (including indigenous populations)
- Supporting the voluntary relocation of people of concern to other cities within Brazil with better local integration prospects and more structured protection networks, in addition to promoting local integration and peaceful coexistence through the implementation of specific projects (of financial inclusion, access to education and livelihoods notably).
- Continuing to support the Government of Brazil in improving the quantity and quality of RSD decisions, while clearing the existing backlog and strengthen a state-funded resettlement programme as well as a network of private sponsors for resettled refugees.
- Expanding cash-based interventions to the most vulnerable, as well as advocating for the removal of legal barriers hindering access of people of concern to existing national social programmes.